our "angel" list

this is kind of off topic, but...trying to get lots of "christmas stuff" finished early--dh and I, thankfully, will be "away" for most of it.
Trying to get cards addressed to get in mail this next week--and, I had a wee bit of a melt down tonight, going through my little addy book. One crossed out name after another! Many names are on the angel list here. At each name, I stopped and thought about that person--several I'd met in person, others were cyber sisters, but so close to me that I have to stop and think if we ever met in person.
I thought long and hard about each person--how well I knew them! Soul Sisters! How much I loved them and how very much they had helped me over the past few years. What a bond! I miss them all so very much.
New Year's resolution--get a new addy book--but old one will get tucked away into a dresser drawer, not thrown away. And entries in new book will be in INK!!
I got side-tracked on writing cards--but my love and thanks go out to the angels who made me stop and think about them and gave me such warm and happy memories this evening......
hugggsssss, angels-----thanks!