I better learn how to post pictures otherwise I will be in big trouble.
carollynn thanks for the good wishes.
I really missed my beach. Its been 2 years.
I'm already in withdrawal. I have an aisle (sp) seat so I can get up as many times I want without disturbing anybody.
And DD will show me how to post pictures.
Edited for a picture. New page.
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Seyla you are going to love Hawaii just becareful with the huge waves if your swimming.Last time i was there I got caught in one and was slammed down into the ocean floor.After that I was too scared to swim there any more.
On the long flight over just get up and walk around when ever you feel stiff or get that numb bum feeling.I hope you enjoy your holiday as much as we did.
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mum.... I stay in the water if I'm not swimming. Im not a good swimmer but i dont drown either. lol
I don't like waves. DD knows that so we will go to calm beaches.
I think North Oahu Shores are wavy in winter months.
i never forget one of your posts when you wrote 'I need a beach" thats how i feel.
Thanks. I'm planning to enjoy the trip after i get off the plane.
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I haven't been here in a long time. I have a new laptop, so I'm learning windows 7. I copied this picture from last week. But I have forgoten how to post all the beautiful pictures. Help.....
So good to smell the water and feel the sand. I need a chair and a cool drink.....
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lots of spanish moss down south!!
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here is Charleston from a ship at night
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Time to get excited Seyla. A view of Oahu.
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Seyla, there is a beach at Waikiki that has a wall around it, so the swimming area is more like a gigantic pool.
Kuhio Beach
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Lisa nice pics. I love Charleston my DD and I spent a whole day wandering the shops there last spring.
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Last time we were allowed to feed these fish while swimming.Not sure if that is still alowed.
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I was so eager to get home from my "school visit" and see the pictures on my full screen.
MaryLou.... good to see YOU!!!!
Welcome back and thanks for bringing some Wednesday charm to our hump-day happiness.
It's so great that we often have someone of us headed to an actual beach.
Safe travels Sheila.
Can we still jump into your suitcase??
I promise not to take up a lot of space.
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For all the beach buddies.
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Faith -- I found a website with some colourful compression sleeves and gloves
Here's Brad coming for you (he was so cute before he went all skuzzy and looking like he needs a bath).
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Yowzah! Nice Brad picture! Yummy........................
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We're safely where we belong: Pittsburg.
Yeee ha.
My PT's name is: Hunny. How cute is that?
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Hi there.... just got my toes done so I can wear my flip-flops (Its all about the shoes).
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SoCalLisa.....I LOVE MY CITY! It has been my home for 43 years! Did you get to stop or were you just cruising by??
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WELCOME Glanter.
Sure hope that Lisa's great photos have lured you to the beach, that you feel welcome and continue to splash along with us regularly.
I am just home from the quick Pittsburg hop, (not to be confused with hopping Mr. Pitt above. LOL)
My DD did all the driving, lifting & hauling -- yet I am still exhausted. This has certainly been the biggest two weeks since my Jan. surgery. I am babysitting right this minute, to reward DD for ALL of her help. My peeps are asleep. That's where I'm headed, too.
Plan to do NOTHING for at least the next 36 hours -- except sit w my laptop & get caught up.
Must find welcome flip flops for our Glanter.
Welcome flip flops
Welcome flip flops
Welcome flip flops (focus of a swiss cheese head:LOL)
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Faithie, I think I'd rather hop Mr. Pitt as opposed to a hop to Pittsburgh, althought I've done neither, so I supposed hopping into Pittsburgh is more likely to occur on the scale of reality! But on the scale of druthers, definitely hopping onto Mr. Pitt!!!!! Happy Mom's day to all on Sunday. Joni
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Hugs Sistahs.
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Gantner, have visited and stayed in your great city of Mount Pleasant great place!! Loved the crab cakes and shrimp at Shem Creek!!
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aWWwhhh beautiful pictures everybody!! I wish each and every one of you a very Happy Mother's those who aren't officially called mother, I know you're bound to be mother of SOMETHING....YOUR dh, DOG, CAT, sistahs!! I appreciate each and every one of you. You've all been blessed with special gifts the no one else shares with you. Everyone is special and inique in their own special way. I'm soooooooooo glad He decided to make us all different....wouldn'tit be just a plum ole boring world if He hadn't? hehe
Love you all beaches!!! Good weekend to each of you!!
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I'm up past my bedtime for sure.
Had such a great visit with my neighbor & dear friend. Yes, there was a glass of wine involved. It was my "coming out party" as I was able to share the whole sordid several months journey, since we'd been together on New Year's Eve. (The day of my biopsy.)
Anyhow. It just made me so appreciative of what girl friends do for one another.
I know that mother's do a lot. And that being daughters we do a lot.
But being friends to one another is the greatest blessing of all.
Hope that everyone has a great day!!
May there be sand in your sneakers.
May there be sun on your shoulders.
May the tide remind you of all that is significant.
Strength and courage.
Strength and courage.
Strength and courage.
***OK. It was a pretty big glass of wine.
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Happy Sunday and Mother's Day beachies!!!
big hugs to everyone!!!
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anybody want to sit under my hat