The Next Person Game
No they just took the school kids to boring places..............saw nothing.........oh yea went to a congressional meeting.........not another Washington monument, Lincoln Memorial, Unknow Soldier, White House, Kennedy's Grave site..........borning..
Next person likes pasta
0 -
the next person likes to wear bright colors
0 -
Next getting more rain today............we can use it though.llllll
0 -
false- and thank goodness! I don't ever want to wish for rain to not show up, but dang, we need this break!
The next person wishes there were a magical washing machine that actually got all the pet hair out of everything.
0 -
True...JWoo, should you ever find that magical washing machine please let me!!
The next person likes roller coasters
0 -
I liked them better when I was younger!
I want one of those washing machines too!
The next person likes water parks.
0 -
Yes, last one I did with my grandchildren I was Dr. was not happy..
Next person loves the beach
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The next person knows how to surf (I do not)
0 -
LOL.......the only thing I can surf is the Remote.
Next person has had a lot of rain the past couple days
0 -
No! But it is needed so much.
The next person is procrastinating and playing on BCO instead of getting things done.
0 -
false- just got off work for the day.
the next person is amazed that every time she is searching for specific information or products on the dang internet, she cannot find what she really wants. Seriously frustrating.
0 -
no do pretty good with things I am lookng for............
Next person should be going to bed by now
0 -
true. Nodding off but when I get ready and lay down - BAM wide awake again.
The next person needs a new bed
0 -
Only for size....its a queen size "Sleep Number" and I could use smaller......
next person will be going away this weekend.......
0 -
False...if you are have fun
The next person is finally having a beautiful sunny day (albeit humid)
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For a little while.
next person is tired of seeing Caitlyn stories one after the other, after the other..enough alredy..
0 -
The next person is cooking out tonight
0 -
Next person took 2 naps today.....
0 -
The next person is eating ice cream
0 -
not at the moment
the next person hates packing
0 -
Depends on how much I have to pack.......
Next person has had a lot of rain the past few days....
0 -
The next person has to take their cat to the vet for its first visit
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My cats are 17 years we have been many, many visits!!
the next person's pets do NOT like to ride in the car
0 -
The next person hasn't had their coffee yet
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Don't like coffee
The next person loves breakfast for supper
0 -
not so much (although if that's what you're serving, I wouldn't turn it down!)
the next person remembers eating cold pizza for breakfast a lot when she was a young adult
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Heaven's no, I'm not even crazy about it hot.......LOL
Next person likes Stromboli............
0 -
I don't think I've ever had it!
The next person can't wait for a fresh, garden tomato.
0 -
True. I make crushed tomatoes out of them!
The next person is watching their cat sitting in the window watching the birds?
0 -
Not right now but I have 2 cats so many times I watch them watching birds.
The next person is having HOT weather this week.