The Next Person Game
nope but it sound wonderful
The next persons favorite color is purple
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My dad's favorite color was purple! (mine is red)
the next person ate ice cream today
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false but just finished brownies with fresh strawberries and cool whip. Oh yea
The next person still makes sun tea occasionally
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false (lazier than ever!)
the next person really hates packing
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The next person knows how to ride a motorcycle
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the next person likes to play board games
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true. Loves to just no one else here does
The next person loved to play card games
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Yes, board games, too!
The next person visits the library regularly
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The next person has a fish tank
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the next person has at least one brother
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The next person needs to clean their kitchen cabinets
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the next person has relatives living on the East Coast
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The next person has visited more than 20 or the states in the U.S.
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the next person has lived in the same state all of her life
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false. I've lived in Illinois, Alabama, and Arkansas
The next person would like to move to another state
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I like my state very much, but wouldn't mind being someplace else in January and February!!!
the next person has a flower garden
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yes but it is sad looking right now.
Ruth / love that answer
The next person has a vegetable garden
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True - Squash, zucchini, and cucumbers aren't doing very well, but the tomatoes and orka are doing great. It's not a big garden but we enjoy it.
The next person has blueberry bushes.
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false. Wish we had
The next person puts up a scarecrow each year
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The next person likes tomatoes.
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true-- fresh is the best
The next person has a painted accent wall.
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The next person shops with coupons
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Not as often as I should!
The next person has a pool
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True. Very fun
The next person has a porch swing
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true - two of them, now if it only wasn't 90 degrees
The next person knows how to swim
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yes. I love it
The next person is thinking of eating s snack
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True. I'm hungry and it's too early for dinner.
The next person went out to dinner last night
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The next person indulged in dessert today.
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true. Ice cream sandwich. Yummy
The next person likes celebrity family fued on TV
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it's ok
The next person is ready for fall (I am)