The Next Person Game
exercised this morning
the next person likes mushrooms
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true cooked
The next person has never had a speeding ticket
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false-- only 2 the
The next person has never locked their keys in the car.
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Not that I recall.
the next person has never had an accident where she has been at fault
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false. Ran a red light and tboned them. Luckily all were OK
The next person would stop and help someone who wrecked in front of us
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yes, I would try. Thank goodness with cellphones, one can now get emergency help to people more quickly when there is an accident.
the next person thinks her area is in for a storm tonight
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False...but could use some rain
The next person has pierced ears
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true but never wear earrings
The next person has body tatoos
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The next person loves to wear perfume
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false, nothing keeps it's scent on me anymore.
the next person is having a very windy day
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The next person went out to eat because it was too hot to cook
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False - hubby grilling burgers.
Next person has been to Niagara Falls.
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true, beautiful!
the next person has been to the Grand Canyon
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The next person has seen the Space Needle in Seattle
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True - to the last 3 travel locales
The next person favorite ice cream is chocolate chip mint.
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False (I like coffee ice cream)
The next person is expecting storms before tommorrow
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False...but rain would be most welcome
The next person is ready for cooler weather
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the next person is in Wisconsin
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False (I'd give my right arm to be there!)
The next person is watching a movie
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false--at work. Last movie ??? 3-4 weeks ago, can't stay awake long enough.
Next person went swimming this past week
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The next person has to deal with a difficult situation today
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false, hope things worked out okay, mommy
the next person did not get much sleep last night
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The next person just finished dinner
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The next person has gone river rafting
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The next person likes meatloaf (the food) or (the group)
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true to both
the next person is working on some sort of a project
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The next person just did laundry
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the next person has gone walking today
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false - just from the parking lot to the spa room
The next person took a nap today.
0 -
The next person is finishing their coffee