The Next Person Game
False. Although, seems like my husband opens most of the mail. But he doesn't use an opener either.
The next person will have trouble keeping cool this weekend.
0 -
False - actually having very cool, windy weather - no humidity - yea! should get into 70's this weekend. Garden needs heat!
The next person needs to buy new eyeglasses..........0 -
false, although I would like to because I don't like the frames I picked last time
the next person has prescription sun glasses
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True! and photogrey lenses in my regular rx glasses too...
The next person really can't stand wearing contact lenses...
0 -
the next person has at least three pairs of tennis shoes
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True, if you count slip on Skechers.
The next person has stayed contact with at least one friend from childhood/high school. (Just had dinner with 5 h.s. Friends last night-wonderful)
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True - friend since we met as Freshmen in high school. Later years i married her second cousin! We joke:"friend before relative"
The next person is serving lunch to a guest today ............(my sister gets her hair cut in my town - finished around noon-time!)0 -
The next person is done planting flowers and veggies
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the next person needs to go but groceries
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True ,but just because I want to cook something specific.
The next person loves cooking
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True/false. I enjoy making some things I know I cook well- like soups. But overalls I am not a confident cook.
The next person is cooking on Fathers Day.
0 -
The next person is expecting 90 degree weather early next week
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The next person has a some sort of wildlife visiting each day......... (we have a mother turkey with 9 chicks each morning)0 -
True (just the run of the mill squirrel and the usual birds)
The next person didn't do much today
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Sort of true. I had a good appointment with my RO. He went over my last PET. He is such a good communicator and I always feel better after I see him. I also ran the sweeper! Yay! Didn't do much else.
The next person had a good thing happen this past week.
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true, lots of good things; we got enough rain so I didn't have to water, the weather was completely lovely so the cats & I could sit outside a lot, read (me), nap (the cats), enjoy nature (me & the cats), DH won re-election to the City Council, I went for a long walk & had a long, chatty breakfast with a group of great friends, my Book Club had our monthly get-together (more good conversation & a great dessert), I got my house cleaned, and went to my fun exercise classes.
The next person celebrating Fathers Day in some way.
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That IS a good week, Ruth!
True. Think I said on another game, my stepdaughter just moved out of town, so I need to be sure my hubby has a good day. Planning to go to our very nice dinner theater tomorrow.
The next person has a book to recommend.
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Tons of them....just depends on what you are looking for. My Book Club just finished A Man Called Ove. Very sweet; it will make you both laugh and cry.
The next person has camped in a tent
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The next person hates to do housework but really likes to do dishes!
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The next person hates to do dishes but loves to iron,,,,,,,,,,0 -
False (I'd take dishes over ironing any day)
The next person is making a special dinner today
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False. We (DH and I) are having a special dinner at the dinner theater.
The next person reads before going to bed.
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True and also often listen to local radio talk show, Nightside with Dan Rae
The next person enjoys listening to the radio........0 -
True, especially baseball and NPR on road trips...
The next person got to sleep in today!
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Me too, octogirl. NPR and Royals bb.
True. But have to et up early a dental appointment tomorrow. Ugh.
The next person needs to see the dentist.
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false, my next checkup is in August
the next person needs to see the eye doctor
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The next person has had or will be having a bone density test soon.
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The next person has Independence Day plans.
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the next person's Independence Day plans include a picnic
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True and I hope a hike also!
The next person will spend the Independence Day weekend at the coast!