The Next Person Game
the next person has a family member in the military
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The next person uses her cell phone as an alarm clock.
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the next person is on Facebook
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The next person is watching baseball.
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The next person's mailbox is by the curb.
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False - mailbox on edge of road - no sidewalks here!
The next person has a brand new pair of sneakers ..............0 -
There are freeze warnings tonight where the next person lives
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Definitely false! (sorry).
The next person will have ripe tomatoes in her back yard garden within a week or two....
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false, and sadly won't ever since we have black walnut trees which are toxic to tomatoes.
The next person has a farmer's market in her city/town.
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True - all the towns around seem to have markets - different days in the week. For me --- just go out to front garden or back garden for fresh produce all summer long - thank you hubbie!
The next person sings in a choir or group............0 -
once upon a time but not anymore so will say false, although the audience was invited to sing a verse of Take Me Home Country Roads with the band at a concert last month. We were great IMHO. :-)
The next person sings along with the radio in the car.
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hi Jo!
false to bonsai plant but true to no idea how to care for it. :-)
The next person has a "green thumb."
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True, well light green :-)
The next person is staring lovingly at the swimming pool wishing that the weather would permit a dip ..brrrrr0 -
false to the pool but true to the brrrr, cold here - covered the plants in case of frost.
The next person keeps a supply of various greeting cards on-hand.
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The next person is making a birthday gift for someon
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true, making birthday fun for a guy at work turning 50. We're doing something small every day, anonymously. He still doesn't know who's doing it and it's driving him crazy LOL.
The next person went grocery shopping yesterday.
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True - went special for DH's beer (on sale)
The next person takes reusable bags to grocery store.0 -
true for a long time now we have.
The next person seems to be exhausted all the time and really struggles to get up in the am.
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too true, you should see the bags under my eyes!
The next person drinks a lot of coffee.
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False (One or two cups at most)
The next person may see rain showers today
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false, you're probably going to get the rain we had yesterday.
The next person needs a nap. (just finished chores and going to snooze for an hour - 'bye!)
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The next person is watching a movie
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false, watching Call the Midwife
The next person is baking a cak
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False - baked a sponge cake for Mother's Day
the next person is cleaning out the freezer and found............0 -
The next person is going to be hanging a new plant soon
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Memorial Day weekend is when I do my gardening stuff
the next person needs her carpets cleaned
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The next person is watching her cat playing
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The next person has had multiple cats in the past....0 -
true, four at once is the most, I have two right now
the next person lived in the country
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True - this area was country (very rural) in 1966 but now new roads, mega houses etc.
The next person loved growing up in the city because...........0