The Next Person Game
Technically false. I'm in the same metropolitan area, but I grew up on the Missouri side of Kansas City and now I'm on the Kansas side. Didn't go far.
The next person has moved in the last 5 years.
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the next person has helped their child/children and/or parents move (I've done helped my grandmother move, she lived in a little house previously lived by HER parents & grandmother......there were some peaches in that basement probably canned by Mrs. Genghis Khan!).
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The next person has done an Intervention for some one
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the next person is allergic to something
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The next person has had sassafras tea
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I don't believe so.
The next person likes molasses cookies
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I believe I have. I had sassafras tea as a kid too. My grandmother thought you should drink for your blood.
The next person like Brussels sprouts. (I do not!
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I do not either!
The next person had a rainy day.
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most definitely false! Where I live, rain in summer is very rare, drought year or not (and it isn't at all clear we are done with the drought...)
The next person has no working TV in their house....
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True in the case of Edmonton, where my husband works. This is our first home here. False in the case of our Brampton home, (where i live and work through the fall, winter and spring months) I have lived across the street from our first home for 25 years now.
the next person can see the milky way on clear nights
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false I wish
The next person has laundry to do today
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False. Still on vacation- so it can wait until Wednesday.
The next person has played a game called Family Dinner Game of Questions.
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Not that exact game, but we play lots of games of that nature when my sister is around.
The next person has a busy week ahead.
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The next person has a favorite sport to watch during the Olympics.
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I love watching Water Polo -
The next person will watch Little League Baseball this weekend.0 -
false, big league ball...
the next person is grateful for the rain
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True. We had a little last night, but it really cooled us off. Lovely day.
The next person will watch the Olympics closing ceremony.
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False - I watch the events like mad but rarely the ceremonies.
The next person shed a tear tonight.
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False but shed many last friday!
The next person just woke up and is looking forward to the new day!
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True! And seeing the Meryl Streep movie with dear, old friends.
The next person as seen the latest Streep movie.
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false - but i would like to
the next person is wondering when the eyebrows and eyelashes return
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false (mine hung in there throughout chemo and fell out two weeks after I was done! But it didn't take that long for them to grow back.....a couple weeks)
the next person has to either clean her house or burn it down!
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True - this summer has been glorious and since I only stay in on rainy days my house is awful.
The next person wants a drink of lemonade right now but will settle for water instead.
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Since it is early morning, I'm thinking coffee
the next person has a dentist appointment coming up
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i do now. I just chipped a tooth.
The next person can, pickles and freezes summer produce.
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Yes to cans and freezes. No to pickles. Yes to drying. (I've had a bumper crop of pears this year so I'm overflowing with pear jam and pear preserves. I've been freezing all the basil, kale, zucchini, and chard I can't eat now for winter consumption. And finally I've been drying mint like crazy to support my winter mint tea habit. )
The next person thinks peaches are way better than nectarines.
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False. Love peach cobbler, but as far as raw-I prefer nectarines.
The next person has had a bumper crop of tomatoes this year.
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Yes - just canned 14 quarts of tomato puree (DH grows plum tomatoes for this purpose) - lots of eating tomatoes. We have a well so garden could be watered regularly - despite drought conditions.
The next person is getting too old for this project ! starting with me!0 -
False but you will enjoy those 'maters this winter - summer in a jar.
The next person grows basil.
(my DH makes pesto and freezes it in teaspoon-sized portions)
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True - I freeze it too. I should try making pesto. Yum!
The next person likes watching baseball.