The Next Person Game
Yes, I would be too old for that project.
the next person is too old for the kitchen remodel that she has gotten herself into!
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False, no kitchen remodel but I will take that under consideration before I replace my counters and such ....
And true, I love baseball as I've mentioned here before I believe, just wish I could get the Giants to get back to their first half of season form so that each game wasn't such a worry...
The next person thinks Ruth is not too old for ANYTHING and that she is a great inspiration for us all! :-)
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TRUE! And she's a great source of ideas for books to read.
The next person has been inspired and helped by several people on these boards.
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Very True!
The next person has welcomed at least one newbie to BCO.
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true & I've tried to drag a bunch over to the Lets Post Our Daily Exercise thread as well (hint, hint, for anyone reading who isn't posting there already )
The next person has not yet done her daily exercises yet
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false....I took a two mile walk today. I need to do better, but pretty good for me lately. All right, heading over to that thread soon....
The next person needs to get in shape for an upcoming vacation!
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Nope, I'm in peak condition.
The next person has trouble staying consistent with exercise.
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true. Dr limits most exercise because I've had so many fractures
The next person has a sister
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the next person has a brother
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true but we are not close at all. See each other at funerals only
The next person still has a grandparent alive
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Sadly, no.
The next person has hardwood floors in her house
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True - house built in 1934 and we redid the floors in 1966 when we bought house from DH's parents - good quality in those days - floors still look good.
The next person still lives in their 'first' home......0 -
true. We've accumulated so much stuff I can't even imagine moving
The next person uses Verizon for cell phone
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The next person has used mobile deposit (snap a photo on your bank app - no need to go to the bank or bank machine) to deposit a check.
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False. Haven't tried that yet. We seldom receive a check anyway. Everything is ato in or out.
The next person is using a tablet right now. (iPad or android or other)
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False - but close. I'm using my iPhone to do this.
The next person likes to eat cabbage and broccoli.
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Yes to broccoli, so/so to cabbage
the next person has plans over Labor Day
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false. and looking forward to a low key weekend.
The next person wishes it was Friday already...
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false. I need the kids to be in school a couple more days so I can rest
The next person has grandkids
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The next person has a child/children in college.
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True. I have one in medical school!
The next person loves Autumn.
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True. My favorite season!
Kaption: You must be a very proud mama!
The next person occasionally likes breakfast for supper.
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She's my granddaughter- yes, we are proud.
And, true- I love breakfast food any time of day.
The next person has to rake leaves in the Fall.
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the next person still has to do laundry tonight
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true but it won't get done. By the time I got my youngest to bed it was already dark (admittedly Idid fall asleep beside him and woke up after more than an hour- yikes) and I had not brought my clothes in off the line. It will have to wait until tomorrow.
The next person has painted toenails
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the next person needs to sort through & purge some clothes
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True! I did some a few months ago, but I have pants I haven't put on in years! Probably don't fit!
The next person has one silly "guilty pleasure" tv show they watch but don't tell anyone.
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True - The Big Bang Theory
The next person's favorite show(s) on BBC is/are.......0 -
Big Bang Theory is not guilty! That's quality entertainment around here. I have a t-shirt that says "Sheldon is my boyfriend" because my DH is kind of Sheldon-ish. Lol.
I loved Downton Abbey. Still love Antiques Road Show. I wanted to live Call the Midwife, but it just didn't grab me. I'd love to hear other suggestions so-
The next person has a favorite PBS/BBC show.
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The next person is reading a book