The Next Person Game
Oh yes; many, many times.
The next person has a lot of trees in her yard.
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True, Seven (!) Sequoia redwoods, plus a lemon tree, a blood orange tree, a cherry tree, a plum tree, and a neighbor's fig tree that likes to hang out over the fence. and no lawn to mow. I love my backyard.
The next person is heading out on vacation to Hawaii. (to indirectly answer the question about whether I am going any where fun :-)) Aloha to all!
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true - I saw some beautiful red and orange maple leaves today.
Edit to add: Whoops wrong page.
I mean false but it would be nice to say true. I've never been to Hawaii, but maybe some day. Have fun
The next person has had wildlife visit their place this weekend.
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True, Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan. Susannah was a 24 year old reporter for the New York TImes when she started exhibiting bizarre & psychotic type symptoms and behaviors. The book is the story of her descent into madness & really because of her family's persistence, and tells of her eventful diagnosis with a rare disease & her complete recovery (true story).
The next person prefers non-fiction to fiction
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Not really, more like 50-50 depending on the topic.
The next person walked their dog in the park today, like me
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Yes, a long walk along the path overlooking the lake followed by ball tossing in the park.
The person has never had a dog.
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false. Dovs are our family.
The next person is single
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The next person has been married 20 years or more.
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the next person likes coconut flavoring
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The next person has eaten fresh coconut.
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false. Would try anything once
I feel special when I
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get a hug from my hubby. We like to say we're not perfect, but we're perfect for each other.
The next person has forgotten at least one thing so far today.
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True. I think :-)
The next person loves bluegrass music...
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I like almost every kind of music!
The next person wears perfume
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True-ish. I sometimes wear a little scented lotion.
The next person puts on makeup every time she goes out.
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true. Always run into someone we know
Badger. Love your perfect statement
The next person doesn't try to color hair to prevent grey
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The next person thinks she has a good sense of humor
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The next person is working on a craft project for decorating for the Fall
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False, Mother Nature is doing a fine job decorating! The leaves are turning and starting to fall. My one purchase is a pumpkin from the Farmers Market.
The next person likes to get creative when carving pumpkins for Halloween.
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I did when I had a kid at home
the next person puts her raked leaves in pumpkin garbage bags
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Nope, neck and back problems, so haven't raked in years
The next person has a pretty maple tree outside her kitchen window.
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True - lots of Maples in the area.
The next person decorates with corn stalks around lamp post......0 -
The next person will wear a costume for Halloween
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the next person has been eating junk food all day
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false - but I love junk food. Candy and chips. Mmmmm. Yum.
The next person put on socks for the first time today in months. Brrrrrr
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false, I don't go barefoot much anymore and shoes = socks.
The next person owns at least one article of clothing with polka dots.
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true. It's a dress and I wore it this past Wednesday.
The next person calls the last meal of the day supper not dinner or anything else.
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DH & I argue about this all the time! My definition is that the biggest meal of the day. So if we go big at noon, that's 'dinner' & the lighter meal is 'supper'. If we eat big in the evening, that's 'dinner' & the noon meal is 'lunch'.
The next person has gone, or is going, to a sporting event this weekend.
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The next person has gone, or is going, shopping this weekend.
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True. Saturday morning food shopping.
The next person is baking, or will bake, an apple pie this weekend.