The Next Person Game
True. 😳 But I don't have the gift of second sight. Tee heee. I think you meant sew? If so yes but not well. In fact I am trying to get better. I'm a teacher in a high school and a sewing class runs during my lunch. I'm auditing the sewing class to try and aquire new skills. The students think it's kind of funny to have a teacher as an equal.
The next person likes washing dishes better than drying.
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Lol. Can see. Oops I messed that up. How cool to be setting in on sewing class. Never get too old to learn. A great example to your students.
The next person is also a teacher ...
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The next person is bossy (if the next person who answers is a teacher, she has to answer 'true' )
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The next person has once gone to work wearing two different shoes.
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the next person is going to watch the season primier of Saturday Night Live tonight
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False. Haven't watched that in a long time. Used to love it
The next person can't stay up long enough to watch Saturday night live ...
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Usually I just watch the monolog at the beginning before I conk out
the next person is a lousy sleeper
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false. I can fall asleep within a minute or two and sleep great. Drives dh mad takes him at least 30 minutes to get to sleep no matter how tired he is
The next person has a harder time waking then falling asleep
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false, I am the opposite of you!
the next person had to get up really early this morning
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false - didn't have to but did anyway. Force of habit I suppose.
The next person is usually out of bed by 6 am.
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false, more like 7
the next person is going out to lunch today
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Close, but false. I'm usually up between 6:30-7:00. Retired, so on my own schedule usually.
The next person has a very different body clock than her spouse or roommate.
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False to going out for lunch but have fun Ruth. True to the body clocks.
The next person will probably take a nap sometime today.
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true. I need one everyday to function
The next person showers in the morning
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The next person prefers a shower to a bath.
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definitely YES!
The next person is a Trekkie
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false. Had to look up what it was. Lol
The next person remembers dressing up to go see the rocky horror show
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True LOL
The next person has a Netflix subscription (we do not).
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The next person remembers when tv was free
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true - three channels + public broadcasting. No remotes: kids were the channel-changers.
The next person has or had an entertainment "console" with a radio, record player, and TV.
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The next person still owns some albums
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true, I just can't part of them
the next person remembers the little record players that you could carry around with you
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The next person once had a transistor radio like this one:
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false but cool
The next person is freaked out by the ad for The Girl on the Train
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false, haven't seen the ad but read the book, can only imagine.
Yep Patty, I had one of those (AM only) radios and thought it was SO cool.
The next person is sleepy. (Nap time, see you later!)
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True. I'm looking forward to a time when - I hope - I am not napping at noon.
The next person has seen a muskrat.
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Thd next person wants some lunch before nap
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The next person just woke up from a nice afternoon siesta (and had sweet dreams).
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The next person still reads the Sunday paper not online
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The next person had a long chat on the phone with an old friend.