The Next Person Game
the 'Midnight' Service is at 10pm.
The next person needs to make a grocery list!
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The next person counts down to Christmas
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True/False - used to, seemed to have lost my Christmas mojo this year, but I'm hoping it has just fallen behind the sofa and easily found again
The next person loves to bake.
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The next person is going to Christmas dinner at someone's house
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Brrr...Ruth! We thought our high of 5 was bad!!
Maybe true...we'll see what February brings in terms of treatment.
The next person would (or has) attended an outdoor football game in this arctic weather.
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I attended some pretty cold football games when DS was in high school.
the next person just bought a turkey
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The next person prefers turkey grilled on the Weber to turkey roasted in the oven...
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that is good, but I love my turkey with the dressing & the drippings for gravy
the next person will be going to the new Star Wars movie
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probably true --- havemissed so many movies this past year thinking "maybe later"
the next person went to/will go to a Christmas concert this season
(I've been attending as many as I can find time for --- am making this my Christmas of Carols)
adding: I miss scuba so much, had to stop over a decade ago for health reasons
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True; one professional show, a children's program at my church, and I will hear a middle school band concert tomorrow
the next person is watching the Tony Bennet's 90th Birthday celebration on TV tonight
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False. Sorry I missed that.
The next person has recorded and is saving a Christmas movie for the future. (We saved Shop Around the Corner. Love that oldie.)
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I have the old movie White Christmas that I watch every year.
The next person's Christmas weather forecast is not looking good.
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False...fortunately looks just fine here. Your neck of the woods could get a little scary Ruth. Take care.
The next person is definitely NOT ready for the holidays!
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I finally made some progress today
the next person has been to New Zeeland
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True....much of it reminded me of parts of California...but with a whole lot less people and a whole lot more sheep :-) OTOH, California does not have penguins....
The next person is hanging with the grandkids...
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False. Christmas has been kind of mixed up this year. Get to see 2 of them next weekend.
The next person is READY for 2017,,
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I am nervous for 2017 (due to the political situation)
the next person is still eating leftovers
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Do Christmas cookies count? if so, yes,
The next person watches Times Square New Year's events on TV0 -
Nope, except what's shown on Finnish news the next day (time zone difference).
The next person will be traveling over New Year's weekend. (Husband and I are driving 400km to Helsinki to visit relatives and attend a concert which is held every year, but this will be our first time )
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False. Staying home and celebrating a belated Christmas with DD family on New Year's Day.
Tessu-sounds like a very nice trip!
The next person makes New Year's resolutions.
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hahaha....I've made the same resolution to lose 10 pounds every year since about 1985!
the next person is contemplating throwing out some of the leftovers
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No leftovers as we visited friends over the holidays.
January 1, and my first order of business is.............0 -
January 2-cutting way back on sugar.
The next person saw a movie during the holidays.
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true.....both Sing and Rogue One.
the next person remembers seeing the orginal Star Wars movie back in 1977
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The next person has seen all the Star TREK movies.
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YES, most of them multiple times, own all the old ones on DVD (also TOS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager). While my sons were still living at home, I solved the profanity problem by announcing that all the Star Trek dvds would just quietly disappear --- forever --- if I heard swear words in our house or in the car while I was ferrying them around to activities. Bad mommy, using threats for discipline, but it worked perfectly
The next person prefers the older Star Trek to the new movies' story line.
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False. I was surprised by how much I like the Chris Pine ST movies!
The next person watches Netflix shows.
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yup -- Gilmore Girls gets me through sessions on the exercise bike Also Designated Survivor, and the new episodes of Sherlock (which arw not on tv here yet)
The next person wants to hit the theater soon for a movie on big screen (I just saw and very much enjoyed Arrival --- but husband thought it was boring...)
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True! I want to see both Hidden Figures and LaLaLand...
The next person has given up cable and satellite TV altogether....
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Actually just signed up for Fios - love on demand
The next person needs dental work - me, crown buildup today - no fun!0