The Next Person Game
True, I have a loose cap and I keep cementing it back in cuz I just can't handle another pain filled appt. with anyone
The next person has decided to hibernate for the rest of the winter!
Keep shining bright,
0 -
It would be nice to hibernate for the next few days anyway!
The next person hasn't taken down her Christmas decorations yet
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Took down all my Santas - left up a group of snowmen - leave small tree in sunroom till end of January - I like to see the lights come on at dusk.
The next person decorates for Valentine's Day......0 -
true-a little bit.
The next person loved getting those little valentines from classmates.
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True - all ended when entering high school.
The next person has bought one of those "heart" boxes of candy......0 -
Many times
the next person likes the chocolate candies with the cream centers best
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true! My husband eats the ones with the nuts. Works out just fine.
The next person prefers flowers to candy for Valentine day.
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well, they are less fattening
the next person has a dog in her family
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Yes, Grace is a wonderful service dog
the next person loves to eat out
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Depends on where...sometimes true.
The next person eats out at least once a week.
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Once or twice a month is more like it. Going out today for Chinese buffet lunch
The next person is also going to eat out today
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Today doing regular house duties then - watch football - Go Pats!
The next person looks forward to the Super Bowl.0 -
True (especially if it involves the Packers and Patriots)
The next person is being lazy today
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True - stayed up to see football game and tired ! ......sorry MOmmyof2 - I watched Packers and do like Rogers. Atlanta is going to give Pats a real challenge.
The next person plans to watch the Pro Bowl Game ...........0 -
Nope. Rarely watch sports (except Finnish Ice Hockey )
The next person has noticed a definite change in there winter weather over the past five years.
Finnish winters used to be below-freezing cold and fairyland white and snowy. Today we bounced back up to slush weather #Ihateglobalwarming
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True. Our winters are often milder and drier.
The next person was a Mary Tyler Moore fan. (Just watched one of the tributes to her. )
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True - she was fun to watch - it was a great show - great characters -
The next person had a hair style like "Mary"0 -
False. Actually, I used to,but that was before chemo curls....
The next person has a hat like Mary's! :-)
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The next person has been busy this morning
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Busy picking up after reading newspaper, 2nd cup of coffee and checking this website !
The next person has to go to the post office today........0 -
false...went yesterday
The next person needs to go to Target/Walmart.
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The next person needs to get cough drops
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Always have some on hand - mostly dry cough this time of year.
The next person has (so far) avoided a cold........0 -
knocking on wood, yed
the next person just got back from a vacation (I was in Arizona)
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True, I was in California
The next person has shopped for spring planting ideas...
0 -
no planting until Memorial Day here
the next person will watch the Super Bowl this weekend
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False. Who is playing?
The next person loves the TV show This is us.
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The next person believes in the paranormal
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False(ish) - we sure do no know everything
The next person belongs to a book club
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The next person feels good today