The Next Person Game
False- would love to.
The next person has been to Africa.
0 -
False - unless you count watching National Geographic !
The next person enjoys nature TV shows.0 -
The next person collects stuffed animals
0 -
Somewhat true - went thru the Beany Baby craze - they are now tucked in attic.
The next person has a collection of cook books.0 -
True! (and if anyone from the SFBay Area is reading...Green Apple Books in SF has a wonderful cook book section! (good for tourists who love to cook to know as well) :-)
The next person loves to cook.
0 -
no, but I love to eat, does that count?
the next person can/used to play a woodwind instrument
0 -
No, not me. Two of my boys play alto sax though.
The next person can play piano
0 -
I could plunk out a tune from a beginners piano book
the next person person lives in a big city
0 -
False but grew up, went to school, worked in Boston till I was 28. Love my Boston!
The next person loves to drive her car.0 -
No, I don't love driving BUT I do love Boston!
The next person just got a haircut
0 -
False (my bangs need to be trimmed though)
The next person relaxing after a hard day
0 -
I am relaxing, but today wasn't a hard day!
The next person has special plans this evening
0 -
The next person didn't have to cook dinner
0 -
True - ate a late lunch
The next person emails more than texts
0 -
False. Kids & grandkids respond better to texts.
The next person uses Instagram.
0 -
The next person wears sneakers
0 -
The next person is a fan of the TV show " This Is Us"0 -
The next person will watch all of the Oscars
0 -
The next person does weekly grocery shopping
0 -
False - keep a running list - then shop
The next person's favorite grocery store has Friday, Saturday, Sunday specials every week.0 -
False - I think - not much of a shopper
The next person has a favorite red wine...
0 -
True -Pinot noir
The next person likes a certain cocktail.
0 -
In my 'younger days' drank Whiskey Sours, later years, Manhattans but present days - tea (due to the meds !) lol
The next person drinks their tea black........0 -
the next person loves the beach
0 -
The next person collects shells.
0 -
False (cows and unicorns)
The next person has an older brother
0 -
the next person eats at his/her computer...
0 -
The next person watches old tv shows
0 -
True. Have MASH on right now.
The next person likes movies from the 1940s.
0 -
false (watching MASH too kaption)
The next person is waking up to cold weather