The Next Person Game
true indeed. 🤣
The next person is a prepper ?
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I don't know what a prepper is........
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Preparing for the end time stocking up food, supplies etc.
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False....(though sometimes these days I think I should be!)
The next person has been having trouble sleeping...
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The next person is a vegetarian.
0 -
The next person has weekend plans
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The next person is going antiquing this weekend.
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The next person likes to read
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the next person needs a haircut
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the next person needs to clean her car (I brought back Lake Superior sand - not on purpose)
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The next person has never received a speeding ticket
0 - one (H & S laughed when I told them, 'cos they say I am the slowest driver in our county)
the next person is cleaning out files
0 -
Funny velvet
The next person has their pjs on
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the next person talks to a sibling at least once a week
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The next person likes oatmeal
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The next person has photos in need of sorting
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Yikes, true
the next person has photo albums that had belonged to her parents that also need sorting through
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False. I've sorted!
The next person has photo backups on their computer. (DH does it for me)
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- true but need to update
The next person enjoys the beauty of sunsets
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the next person has been on a sports team
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true. A softball team in my 20s. Just 2 years.
The next person is enjoying unusually mild weather for August.
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true, it has been lovely!
the next person recently got stung by a bee (I did this morning, right on the ankle & it is hurting like crazy!)
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False. But, my DH just knocked down a wasp nest by our garage door. So, we're on the look ou.
The next person has been bitten by a dog.
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True. Long time ago. Doberman pincher ouch
The next person is scared of dogs
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the next person is scared of snakes
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Absolutely true
Hi Ruth
The next person has a pet snake
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Hi Patty!
The next person is planning on doing something fun over Labor Day weekend
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No to far away
The next person is sitting outside
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the next person has a pet on her lap
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The next person lives in the city