The Next Person Game
The next person loves to follow celebrity gossip
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true - my head is filled with meaningless trivia lol
The next person is doing something fun this weekend
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The next person is ready for bed
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true --- sort of --- feel really tired, but the clock only says 6:30PM so it will be awhile...
The next person has visitors this weekend. (My son is here
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The next person started decorating for fall
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the next person is doing some Fall cleaning
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False- although I am lying on the sofa.
The next person got up too early.
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false...slept in until after 9
the next person will get up early tomorrow
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I will get up when I get up (which is usually pretty early)
the next person is worried about someone in Florida
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the next person is contemplating a move....
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True! I want to lie down and watch Ozark... great show!
Next person loves popcorn much more than anyone should
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true...just ate way more than I should
the next person will be cleaning windows tomorrow. I will (reluctantly).
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I should be!
the next person is planning a trip
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The next person had a bonfire tonight
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false, but that sounds fun
the next person likes s'mores
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used to, ages ago in Girl Scouts
The next person slept poorly last night
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was true & slept late this morning
the next person needs a day off
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false (retired)
the next person likes to walk in the rain
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true (sometimes)
The next person went for a walk inthe rain yesterday (true -- short --- just to "get the kinks out")
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The next person is shocked by so much devastation by weather in the kast few days
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false / lots of sunshine
The next person likes cider and cinnamon doughnuts
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true. I guess never tried it but sounds good
The next person has made homemade doughnuts
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true - and they are very good when warm
the next person makes homemade bread
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false...but used to.
the next person is fixing fish (haddock) for dinner
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The next person knows someone in Florida.
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true (they are okay)
the next person has been through a flood themselves
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False, thank goodness.
The next person has been in a major earthquake.
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false, thank goodness!
the next person thinks extreme climate change is REAL
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The next person has recentlyreconnected with a childhood friend.
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The next person stopped coloring her hair.