The Next Person Game
false but joined my neighbor on her dog walk yesterday evening
the next person loves apple pie
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I love ALL pie (which is why I have to exercise!)
the next person plans some sort of exercise as part of every day
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true with a day off here and there
The next person has a scarecrow in the front yard
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the next person went to a high school volley ball game tonight.
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false...I have gnomes
the next person decorates the yard for Halloween
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the next person wonders
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wonders or wanders? Me, I do both.
the next person has a walk-in closet in her bedroom
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Wonders. True.
The next person has bare feet.
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only in the shower! Otherwise at least socks. Hate cold feet
The next person wears long underwear in the winter.
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True. But are my longies underwear when I wear them as street clothes?
The next person has grey hair.
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true...but I have low lights
the next person baked a pie
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The next person likes hot tea with milk and sugar
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false (honey only)
The next person makes breakfast for dinner occasionally
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false...sounds like something I'd like to try
the next person got caught in a thunderstorm
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Not recently!
The next person has or will pick apples this fall. I did today!
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The next person likes eggs sunny side up
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False. Prefer scrambled.
The next person likes avocados.
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the next person likes guacamole
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true. Love it!
The next person likes floral print dresses
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The next person has never had a pet hamster.
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The next person is allergic to cats
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the next person likes cats, but prefers dogs
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Oh, I love them both!!
The next person has (or has had) multiple pets at once in the family
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The next person was taken by a nap today.
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going to be true in about 5 minutes LOL
The next person exhausted themselves shopping today. (Me:new glasses --- most painfully difficult to choose, suitcase, t-shirt).
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false, but I ordered new glasses the other day so feel your pain.......really I decided next time I am going to go in and re-shop because it is too overwhelming & pretty soon they all look exactly the same!
the next person needs to wear glasses pretty much all the time
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false. I do need glasses for driving at night -only then though
The next person finds cooking relaxing
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The next person has company tomorrow for dinner
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I hope not, the fridge is bare!
The next person is getting ready to go on a vacation
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False, just returned
The next person has learned how to pack light for trips