The Next Person Game
The next person has a childood friend they are still friends with
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true just reconnected and it’s the best thing I’ve done in a long time
The next person is an only child. (I’m not
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no, I have 3 older brothers
the next person is the baby of the family (I am and the only girl so I was always a bit spoiled!)
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False (middle of 5)
The next person is getting ready to cook
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False....ate out to celebrate our son's Masters degree
the next person is looking forward to Spring craft shows and flea markets
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false (I am trying to get rid of stuff!)
The next person is going to eat Mexican food today
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false - leftover ”Milwauki beef cooked in beer”
The next person plans to visit a museum this week.
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No - I wish but I'm starting chemo this week.
The next person is at work.
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true - Shhhhh! Lol
the next person is on vacation (or holiday) this week
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The next person no longer has to do physical therapy as of the end of the week.
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false, just got back from an appointment! Lol
the next person will be traveling for Easter
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I am traveling home for Easter (I have been on vacation AND visited a museum ).
The next person likes to visit historical sites and/or museums when on vacation
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true indeed.
The next person has visited every state in USA.
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The next person has been to Alaska
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false but would love to
The next person has been on a cruise
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The next person has been to Hawaii
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false, but I would LOVE to!!
(I want to answer the cruise one LOL - I've been on a couple of cruises! The second one I won from McDonald's!! Yes, people actually win those!!!)
the next person ice skates
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The next person has been to Times Square on New Year's Eve
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false, but my nephew was there this year
The next person usually has a very low key New Years Eve
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The next person is making lamb for Easter
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The next person is going to an Easter buffet
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The next person needs to get milk today
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the next person needs to get gas today (this one is true for me!!)
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The next person did housework today.
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the next person has had out-of-town guests this week. My brother & SIL are here from Wisconsin. Leaving tomorrow.
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False. No out of town guests since Christmas
The next person has to clean up muddy dog footprints on their floors every day (in the spring)
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false (only when I bring the grandpuppies over.....which is usually once or twice a week)
the next person prefers chicken to beef
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false....though I do try to limit my beef intake...
the next person had a vegetarian dinner tonight.
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the next person does not eat enough vegetables
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the next person does not get enough exercise