The Next Person Game
The next person likes American Idol and/or The Voice
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I watch occasionally, but am not an avaid fan
the next person likes Dancing With the Stars
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false, I've only watched maybe one or two episodes.
the next person likes Survivor
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use to watch but switched the the Voice
The next person read Fifty Shades of Gray
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yes, the whole series
The next person hates grocery shopping (I do!!!)
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The next person has watched "This Is Us.
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The next person needs to get off here and get some zzz’s
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The next person likes to wear bright colors
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The next person has s little black dress
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I bought one but have never worn it!
the next person wears flats instead of heals even when she 'dresses up' 99.9% of the time
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Yes, but it probably doesn't count because it doesn't fit anymore!!
The next person doesn't like the color pink anymore.
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I didn't for awhile; but have reclaimed it as a fun color, especially hot pink!
the next person has to remember to set the clock back (or is it forward?) tonight
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spring forward in spring Then fall back in fall.Is how I remember it.
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I usually turn on the TV and see what time it says it is
the next person wears glasses or contact lens
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Either, depending on day or task.
The next person wishes the time change happened later in the spring and earlier in the fall like it used to (I hate getting up in the dark again tomorrow!)
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I want to end Daylight Savings Time for good. Enough with this silly messing with clocks.
The next person prefers daffodils over tulips.0 -
I love both of them.
The next person loves fresh flowers
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true. Looking at some now
The next person can arrange flowers like s professional 🌸🌷
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Don't I wish!
The next person loves to do jigsaw puzzles
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I like doing them but DH is a fanatic. If you leave the table for 5 minutes, he'll have it done!
The next person buys Easter candy and eats most of it herself
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the next person likes jelly beans
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the next person still does an Easter basket for her child/ children....even if they are grown.
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The next person still likes coloring Easter eggs
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I would if I had anyone to color them with/for
the next person has hard wood floors in her house
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The next person hates housecleaning, but loves to do dishes.
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true re: hating housecleaning; false re: doing dishes
the next person likes doing laundry...I find it calms me when I am stressed
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The next person is still adjusting to time change
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False. I have no internal clock but I do mind it being dark in the morning again!
The next person dislikes it when people say a father is babysitting instead of "caring for his children" if/when he is alone with the kids.
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true, that drives me crazy....unless they refer to a mother taking care of her children as 'babysitting' too.
the next person was born in the spring
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true - my birthday is coming up April 6
the next person was born in the summer