The Next Person Game
No, I don't have any grandchildren.
The next person has to cook dinner tonight.
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True- every night usually.
Everyone is finished but my handicapped child. I have to feed her slow.
The next person wants to take a walk after dinner
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sounds good but impossible
The next person uses the dishwasher
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Yes, wouldn't be without it.
The next person washes dishes by hand.
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No, I rarely wash dishes by hand but I sometimes wash other things by hand.
The next person would be lost without technology.
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I'd like to think I could get by but I doubt it. Lol
The next person gets most of their news online.
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I don't go in search of the news per se but I do get most of my information online these days.
Do you watch the news on TV or not?
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No. Only online. No live footage of shootings I can't censor.
Do you need to burn diaries so no one will read them or not?
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I am on my 53rd journal so I suppose one day I may want to destroy them but that would be a sad thing to do. I would much rather give them to someone I trust, if there is such a person at that time.
Are you a deep person or not?
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I don't know if I would consider myself deep. I'm very emotional, logical and I tend to try to think things thru before I act. So I'm not sure if that's deep. I think it's a different definition for different people honestly.
The next person enjoys time alone to write down their thoughts.
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Definitely, I like to spend time alone and to write down my thoughts and feelings.
The next person has a lot of friends.
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Not a lot of friends. Just a group of close friends.
The next person enjoys going out with friends.
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I don't go out with friends much apart from my house mate because I'm so shy.
Would you rather hang out with friends at home or go out?
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That's a tough one. I like hanging out with our friends at home but I also like going out. I think it depends on the friends and we have a great group to hang out with! (We're making plans via text right now to go to a baseball game Fri night. Then there's a party with a band and the players after the game.)
Do you like to plan ahead or are you ok with last minute plans?
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Ocean, it's great that you are making plans to do something you'll find fun.
I like to plan ahead but I don't mind being spontaneous too because some things are unpredictable.
Do you like spelling and grammar or not?
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Yes, I'm the spelling and grammar police!! If something is wrong, I will usually see it!! People at work call me and ask me all the time how to spell or word things.
The next person likes reading
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I love reading and writing and I like spelling and grammar too.
Do you tend to read more serious or lighthearted books?
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More serious; I love history, biographies etc. but I like lighthearted books as week.
the next person belongs to a Book Club
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False, I don't belong to a book club.
The next person belongs to clubs.
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Not now - I have in the past - motorcycle rider clubs, parent teacher clubs, band boosters, church groups, etc.
The next person doesn't have time to attend club meetings.
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I would find it hard to have time to attend club meetings but there are many other things stopping me too, like shyness and CFS.
Do you feel like your life is too busy or not?
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My life is usually super busy and I love it when I'm the one in control!
The next person loves summer nights
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Summer nights can be lovely so long as it's not so hot that we can't sleep.
The next person leaves the heating on all night when it's very cold.
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True! Heat and lots of blankets I freeze!
The next person still has a electric blanket on their bed
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No, I don't have an electric blanket on my bed even though it's winter here.
The next person sleeps with the window open when it's hot.
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If it's too hot, I leave the air conditioning on and use a fan both.
The next person has gone white water rafting
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Maybe, I went rafting when I was 14 on an Outward Bound Camp but I'm not sure that it was white water rafting.
The next person enjoys these game threads.
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ended. Love it
The next person likes other iPhone games
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No, I don't have an iPhone and don't know how to play phone games but I have a couple of games on my desktop computer that I like to play.
The next person has a desktop computer as well as other ways of connecting to the internet.
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True the most uses is a tablet and smart phone
The next person favorite day is Wednesday.