The Next Person Game
Yes, I should be going to bed soon. I've made a lot of progress in getting things done tonight and I hope it won't be too long before I'm ready.
The next person is looking forward to tomorrow.
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Not really. But I am looking forward to Friday!! The day before the weekend!!
The next person is looking forward to the next holiday.
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Not really since public holidays don't make much difference to me.
The next person looks forward to their birthday a lot.
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I like the celebration part of it. Just not the getting another year older part of it. Lol Although after my diagnosis, I'm grateful to be getting another year older on my birthdays now.
The next person doesn't mind getting another year older on their birthday.
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Ocean, I understand what you mean.
I don't really mind getting older each year, although my next birthday is a big one and that's a bit daunting.
The next person feels wiser than they did ten years ago.
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Yes, I do. I've been thru a lot and I hope that I have learned from it.
The next person has learned a lot from their life experiences.
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True- it made me tough as nails to!
The next person has nerves of steel
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Hardly!! Lol
The next person is glad the work day is almost over. (I am!!!)
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Whew!! A dizzying number of posts here today!!
The workday is never over anymore with technology at hand.
The next person tends to group their email and online time so they're not online all day (I know I try!)??
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True -try to get all that done in the evening.
The next person gets to much junk email!
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The next person collects pictures they like.
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Yes I do.
The next person has lots of pictures from their childhood.
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Yes, I have a lot of childhood photos that my sister and I scanned.
Do you put your photos in chronological order or not?
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No, but I should.
Do you have scrapbooks with pictures from your childhood or not?
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No, I don't have scrapbooks with pictures from my childhood.
The next person still has the same photo albums as they had in childhood.
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I still have some of the photo albums I had as a child. I have some that were my parents.
The next person has photo albums from vacations they have taken as an adult.
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Yes, I have lots of photo albums with vacation photos but I haven't been printing photos in recent years because they take up so much room.
The next person worries about having too much stuff. I do.
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Yes, I do. After cleaning out my parents' house after they passed away, it made me realize just how much stuff we have!! My parents had stuff from the 1960s!! It made me think that I really don't want to do that to my daughters.
The next person would like to clean out their old stuff.
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Good thinking, Ocean.
I would like to clean out my old stuff and I keep doing some bits but then I buy more, LOL.
The next person would like to go through their clothes.
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The next person needs new clothes!
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Yes, I could do with some new clothes because of the surgery I've had.
The next person has lots of clothes.
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yes I do!
The next person loves shoes and has many pairs
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True. Need to donate many pairs I can no long wear, though.
The next person needs to digitize old VHS format family videos.
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yikes, I should. One of those things I think of every once and awhile but never get around to!
The next person has done some work on her genealogy.
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The next person is or have adopted
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The next person is due for a mani/pedi
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The next person is playing with grandkids today!
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false, the next person is doing something fun with friends today
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True, attending a baseball game with friends. There's a party with the players with a band afterwards!!
Patty, I have adopted!! I have 2 daughters we adopted at birth!! They are 23 and 19 now.
The next person has plans for the weekend.
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the next person's plans for the weekend have something to do with music