The Next Person Game
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True, I am thinking of winter vacations because it is hot here now but will be very cold when winter comes around!
The next person has been on a sailboat
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yes! A small one and not to far out!
The next person is dealing with cording (AGAIN)!
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No, but I'm sorry if you are Vargadoll.
The next person has had surgery in the last year.
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Just over a year, I had a hysterectomy the end of July 2017.
The next person likes to swim
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ruthbru, I'm sorry you went through that.
Yes I do like to swim.
The next person looks at this forum most days.
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Hi Aussie!!
I try to look at this forum most weekdays. Weekends I don't always have the time.
The next person has had an extremely busy week.
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(Aussie, I had a prolapsed uterus, so was THRILLED to get rid of it.)
The next person has smoke in the air due to fires (we do......we are in the middle of the country but are getting smoke from the California fires.....awful!)
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No - hasn't reached the upper Midwest
The next person has quit smoking
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Tried a few times in college, but never smoked.
The next person has tomatoes ripening in their garden. Yum, I've had several from mine so far!!
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No- this southern girl doesn't grow or eat tomatoes!
The next person will go grocery shopping tomorrow and pick up a Walmart order. ( the shopping app is the bomb!)
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Hi Ocean and RuthBru!!
No, we don't have a Walmart here and we usually do our shopping on a Monday.
The next person enjoys grocery shopping.
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I do! I love to cook so shopping goes with it.
The next person has laundry to do this morning. ( linen day)
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Not today but I'm thinking of doing some washing over the weekend.
The next person is watching TV at the moment.
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Hi Patty!
No, I am not watching TV; I'm in bed. I am drinking coffee & just finished reading the morning paper & doing the crossword puzzle.
The next person likes to shop for clothes
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Hi Patty and RuthBru!!
Yes, I do like to shop for clothes (although it can be depressing if I can't find good things).
The next person finds it easy to find clothes they like (I don't).
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Yikes, too easy!!! Two ladies in my town who LOVE clothes opened a little boutique and all their clothes are cute, unusual, and look good on almost anyone. Now, I will have to substitute teach forever so that I will have a place to wear all the clothes I want to buy!!!!
The next person has something fun planned before the month of August is over
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Ruthbru, that clothes shop sounds great!
I don't have anything fun planned but it was lovely going to an animal sanctuary on Monday.
The next person loves cute furry animals.
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Yes, I do!!
The next doesn't consider any animal who has to be kept in a cage as a 'pet' (really, if you have to cage them to make them stay with you, they are your prisoner, IMO).
I HAVE to sign off and get busy. See you later!
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See you later, Ruthbru.
The next person is having a busy day.
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Hey Patty!!!
Yes! Very busy pick up Walmart order, deliver Meals On Wheels 3 time this week go to Sam's and that doesn't count the house work thats already done.
The next person loves Sirius XM radio
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No, I've never heard of it.
The next person listens to music on their computer.
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Audience cat- it's satellite radio kind of like cable TV. I have it in my car and the house both Plus I downloaded the app so I have it on my iPod 2 is so as long as I have Wi-Fi I have my Sirius XM everywhere!
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Sometimes I listen to music on my computer
the next person is going to a concert or event involving music this weekend
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Thanks for explaining Vargadoll.
False. Ruthbru, if you're going to a concert, I hope you have a lovely time!
The next person can sing in tune.
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Yes, but no more than that!
The next person was in a school choir when she was young
(On Sunday I am going to a benefit concert for a music director who is very ill and has lots of ongoing medical expenses, so it will be good music but for a sad cause)
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Ruthbru, I'm sorry that the concert is for a sad cause but I hope you enjoy the music anyway.
I wasn't in the school choir although we did sing items as a group at the end of the year, but I was in a church choir.
The next person prefers older music rather than recent music.
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Yes and No. Some of the older music has lots of meaning to me and some of the newer music just adds to the fun and makes memories!
The next person has enjoyed a visit from an out-of-state relative this summer.