The Next Person Game
The next person has interesting plans this weekend.
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The next person is plannning a winter vacation
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Hi Patty.
The next person has been having a relaxing weekend.
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True- even though it involved 3 of the six grandkids (11,1 &3)The next person is enjoying a slow start to their Sunday morning
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Not exactly, it's 10.30pm here in Melbourne and I've got tons done today.
The next person has a busy week coming up.
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the next person ate ice cream today
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Hi Ruth!! False.
The next person is having a nice day.
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The next person has to take their car to be serviced tomorrow
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True! My air conditioning motor is broken and I am so hot! Can't wait!
The next person has someone to wish happy birthday to.
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true, DH's birthday is on Sunday.
the next person has a good gift in mind for her Happy Birthday person
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Vargadoll, I'm sorry you weren't having a nice day.
Hi MissBianca and Ruthbru.
False, I don't have ideas about birthday presents at the moment.
The next person has their birthday is the second half of the year.
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My birthday is smack dab in the middle of the
The next person wanted to sleep later this morning
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I sure did.
The next person lives in a quiet street.
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The next person needs to mow their lawn. (I'm heading out now to mow!)
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True, my hubby is planning on mowing before Wed. because rain is in the forecast then.
The next person watches the weather forecast before doing yardwork. (Or is my hubby the only one? Lol)
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Yes, I will often look at the forecast before doing yard work or anything outdoors.
The next person likes gardening. I don't really but there's a certain sense of satisfaction about pulling weeds and making the garden look better.
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Not really. I don't mind planting a few containers but I don't really like pulling weeds.
The next person likes vegetable gardening.
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No, I don't really like vegetable gardening. We did grow some vegetables when we first moved here though.
The next person likes growing flowers.
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Only in pots. I don't like planting flowers in the ground. Then you have to weed. Lol
The next person likes growing house plants.
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I don't really like growing any kinds of plants.
The next person has a lot of pot plants.
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I have 5 potted house plants. My favorite was my hubby's grandmother's. I've had it since she passed away in 1985.
Are you good with house plants or not?
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We have one house plant from my mother and it's still alive after 2 months but our other pot plants have died or been put in the garden outside.
When you work in the garden, do you kneel down or bend over?
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No....I have 2 plants inside and lots of ferns outside. I have 2 cats inside and they puke enough without adding something else for them to chew on. (Can you tell I'm over the puking?!? They are both 14 and after lots of test there is no valid reason for the puking...sigh )also had to chuckle at pot
The next person is enjoying the peace and quiet of an empty house!!! That's right lades I'm ALONE!!
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My house isn't empty at the moment but it is quiet.
The next person has lots of people living in your house.
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No, just me and the hubby. But on the weekends it's a different story. My 2 girls, their guys, the baby, and my daughter's step-son to be are usually there. Along with the 2 dogs and 2 cats. Lol
The next person enjoys the chaos of having family around occasionally.
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No, I don't enjoy family chaos.
The next person likes to have time to herself.
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Yes, I enjoy that, too. I come from a huge family so I'm used to chaos. Lol
The next person feels lost when they forget their phone. (I do today. I hope my girls aren't trying to text me for anything. They usually do all day long. Lol)
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Yes, I feel very lost without my phone if I want to use it and don't have it.
The next person finds it hard to imagine life before their phone.
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Sometimes. Other times I wish I could go back to the days where I didn't have one.
The next person feels like we depend too much on our phones.
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I think some people depend too much on their phones but I don't use it all that much. It's understandable to use it when it's there though.
The next person is getting tired. I am.