The Next Person Game
I'll clean when I take down my Christmas decorations (which I plan to do tomorrow)
the next person still has her decorations still up
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We didn't put up any Christmas decorations this year because we were so busy.
The next person is planning to read a book today.
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I HAVE to take down those decorations today, so book reading must wait!
the next person is having a foggy day
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It's the middle of the night here but mostly likely it won't be foggy because it's the middle of summer.
The next person wishes their weather would be different.
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Not today! The sun is out and it's almost 60!
The next person is stripping the lights off a pre-lit Christmas tree today! (Only 4 years old and the lights went out! Tree is beautiful so we are cutting the lights off)
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We took everything down yesterday, including taking lights off the tree.
the next person walked a dog today
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true 3 X’s/day every day! Goal: 1-5 miles I average 1.25 miles/day. “Meatball” my pug was desired for 20 years and I got him for my 5-years our cancerversary & hubby’s 50th birthday party!😍🐶♥️
Moving to California very soon!
The next person is paying it forward today and most days
(My 3 cherubs)!
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I try to.
The next person has medical appointments coming up.
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Does a dentist appointment count? If so, true.
The next person keeps in close contact with her siblings.
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ruthbru, yes a dentist appointment counts. I hope it goes well.
Yes, I email with my twin sister every day.
The next person has sisters and brothers.
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one of each
The next person is the oldest child in her family
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The next person is a middle child.
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Nope, youngest.
The next person is an only child.
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false (oldest of 3)
the next person is pretty tall
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nope. Barely 5 ft 3 inches
the next person loves to ski
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I have been skiing a few times in the past but I don't think I'd be up to it now.
The next person likes to roller blade/roller skate/ice skate.
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nope. Love to run. The next person is a runner
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No, I like to walk but I'm not a runner.
The next person would love to go to the beach if the weather was right for it.
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yes. It is 82 degrees and sunny. Perfect Beach weather.
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No beach weather here!! Expecting 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow!!
The next person has snow forecasted for this weekend.
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Yes we do! I'm hoping that the snow will not amount to anything because oldest grandson has regional jazz band auditions tomorrow.
The next person had a ridiculously busy week!
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I had a busy week but not ridiculously so.
The next person is looking forward to the next week.
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I am! Next week I have an appointment at a LE center. My insurance approved it!
The next person is going out to lunch with friends today! (A rare thing for this girl! )
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false, but I went out to lunch with DS & his lady friend
the next person is either watching sports on TV or going to a sporting event herself today
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False, no sports today.
The next person feels like there's never enough time in the day.
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yea. Walked 32 flights of stairs, visired with a sick friend, worked 8 hours and I'm currently cooking a complete meal for an ill friend. And I have to take this food to her and her family tomorrow. There is not enough time in this day.
The next person will be watching a playoff football game tomorrow.
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The next person will be physically active today.
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the next person is washing clothes right now
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true- I just put in my second load of clothes.
The next person spent all afternoon watching football.
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false, all my teams are out so I just checked in occasionally
the next person thinks it's cool that there was a female referee in one of the football playoff games today