The Next Person Game
Hi Aussie!!
I've been reading a little. Mostly the games!! Lol
The next person is having a hard time believing it is December already!! (I am!!)
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Yes, it's hard to believe it's December already. It's been a long year though.
The next person already has a new calendar for next year.
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Yes, I do. I just got one from my work this morning. Lol
The next person already has things scheduled on their calendar for next year. (I do.)
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I do have an osteopath appointment scheduled for January already.
The next person will see a lot of family on Christmas day.
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That depends on if I can arrange for my family to get together that day or not. We may have to arrange for another day due to their family celebrations. My biggest family celebration will be on the 15th when my mother's family will get together for our annual Christmas party.
The next person will be attending at least one Christmas party this year.
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No, I don't usually go to Christmas parties or any parties.
The next persons loves being with people.
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I love being with the people I love. And I love going to concerts & festivals, that type of thing. But I really don't like going to parties where I don't know anybody.
The next person likes going to festivals.
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I don't have much experience of festivals but I like going to fairs and fetes.
The next person has a mental list of movies they want to see.
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The next person enjoys going to the movie theater.
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The next person has been to school reunions.
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The next person is fully prepared for the holidays
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No, not yet.
The next person has a lot of preparations to do.
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true, I got the packages mailed today, am starting on the cards, and after that I have to start planning food
the next person is going to have overnight company over the holidays
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The next person has a small family.
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the next person has a pet or pets
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No, I don't have any pets but my Mum has a nice cat (which I'm allergic to).
The next person likes cats better than dogs.
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I like the look of cats better than dogs but I'm allergic to them.
The next person is busy getting ready for Christmas.
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The next person will have overnight company over Christmas
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The next person will have Christmas dinner on a day other than Christmas day.
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We aren't going to have a traditional Christmas dinner at all.
The next person will stay home on Christmas day.
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True, company is coming to us.
the next person wants to see the new Mary Poppins movie
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Yes, I think so.
The next person has a favourite Christmas movie.
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Yes, the old Bing Crosby "White Christmas". I watched it again two night's ago.
the next person has a recipe they only make at Christmas time
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Yes, I just made chicken Waldorf and I don't often make that at other times of the year.
The next person has a dessert they make every Christmas.
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The next person is making old family recipes
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No, we don't have many old family recipes.
The next person would rather not do any cooking at Christmas.
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I don't cook much, but am okay to do it for Christmas.
The next person is having a stormy day
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Not stormy, hot and overcast.
The next person had a nice Christmas.
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the next person is still eating leftovers
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The next person can have a rest.