The Next Person Game
I'm so glad that Friday is over and I can stay home on the weekend.
The next person is seeing their family this weekend.
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I'm sure I will see my daughters at some point this weekend.
The next person has plans for the weekend.
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My plans for the weekend are to stay home, watch TV and catch up on tasks.
The next person is having okay weather.
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No...It's VERY cold today!! High of 19F!! Next week they are predicting highs in the single digits and lows in the negatives!! Yikes!! Quite different than the heat wave you are having!!
The next person is having a difficult time staying on task. (I am!! But I usually do on Friday!! Lol)
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Ocean, I'm sorry that it's so cold there. We had our hottest day in 10 years at 44C (111F)!
Actually, I've been concentrating pretty well.
The next person has an interesting weekend planned.
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False had a normal weekend with the grandkids. Fun!The next person is getting ready for another cold werk! YIKES! !! into to negative digits with the windchill!❄❄❄❄
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true. Within the next three days we are expecting temperatures to dip into the 50s. That is cold for us in South Florida.
The next person will have a strong favorites to win the Super Bowl for next weekend.
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The next person has been writing emails.
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true. I just sent 12 emails. All work related.
The next person will go sailing within a week.
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The next person has been taking photos.
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Yes, at the holidays.
The next person likes to grocery shop!
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No, I hate to grocery shop!!
The next person likes to antique shop.
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Hi, Ocean!!
I like to look at antiques but I haven't actually bought any.
The next person likes to clothes shop.
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Pretty neutral on clothes shopping--necessary, and good if I find something I like, bad if it's a frustrating trip.
The next person likes to browse bookshelves in the library as opposed to knowing exactly what I want to read.
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Browsing through library books sounds like a nice idea even though I don't usually do that.
The next person often borrows library books.
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No, I don't. I'm not too good about remembering to return them. So I prefer to buy them. Lol
The next person reads electronic books. (I don't. I prefer old fashioned paper back books.)
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No, I don't think most books I'm interested in are available in an electronic version.
The next person reads a lot of things on the internet these days.
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Yes, I do. I research a lot of things on the Internet. My friends tell me I'm very good at it!! Lol
The next person researches everything on the Internet.
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Yes, I do research a lot of things on the internet (but not everything).
The next person is sleepy. I am and I need to go to bed. Take care.
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Yes, I'm sure you are. I'm not too sleepy. It's still early afternoon here. You take care, too!! Talk to you soon!!
The next person is expecting very cold weather over the next few days. (We are!! A high of 4 tomorrow with a low of -3!! And wind chills will make it feel like -25 to -35!!!)
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Oceanbum- we are in the line of fire for the cold weather to! It was 42 when I got up this morning and has dropped all day! Snow this morning it's gone now. Just 28 with a windchill of about 18. The morning should be about -4.
The next person just finished 20 online CEU'S. ..whoot whoot!
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I don't know what CEUs are so I guess not.
The next person has worked hard today.
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The next person isn't going outside muchtomorrow
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varga- I finished 18 CEUs for OTR license renewal 3 days ago.
False. Temperature in the high 60s tomorrow with beautiful blue skies and sunshine. I will be out all day working and playing
The next person will be wishing they didn't live in a cold weather state.
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TRUE!!! The temp was -4 overnight and hovering around zero driving in to work today!! But it will be 50 by the weekend!! Gotta love Ohio!! If you don't like the weather...wait 5 minutes. Lol
The next person can't wait for spring. (ME!!!!!)
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I guess I am looking forward to spring in September.
The next person is keeping warm enough.
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I'm trying to keep warm but these single digit temperatures make it tough!! It's nearly 11:00 am and it's still only 3F!! They said a high of 16F today but I'm beginning to wonder.
The next person is keeping cool!!
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Yes, the heatwave has passed and the temperatures are moderate at the moment.
The next person likes to ski.
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I've never tried.
I'm glad the heat wave has passed.
The next person likes to skate. (I like to roller skate but have never tried ice skating. I have a friend who keeps insisting I try this winter!! Lol)
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I like to roller skate - I did it a lot when I was growing up. I have tried roller blading and ice skating but they are much harder. It would be good for you to try ice skating to see if you like it.
The next person likes push bike riding.