The Next Person Game
I had to look up push bike. If I'm right it's what we call bike or bicycle riding. I do enjoy that. I did much more of it when I was younger than I do now.
The next person enjoys taking walks.
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Ocean, I wrote push bike to differentiate it from motor bike, so you're right that I meant bicycle riding.
I do enjoy taking walks, especially when there's nice scenery!
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CEU'S are continuing education units. I'm required 36 over a 5 year span to keep my certification. Jo- most of the online classes I have taken are from site in Florida.
Yes! I have 75,000 steps in for this week so far!
The next person is looking foward to warmed temperature. (I'll taking anything over 25)
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Yes, we are expecting temps in the 50's this weekend!!! That's much better than the single digits we've had the last 2 days.
Aussie, I enjoy both bicycle riding & motorcyle riding!! In the past several years the motorcycle riding has been much more frequent than the bike riding has. Lol
The next person is looking forward to a season change. (Hopefully coming early!!)
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No I'm not. I want more chances to go to the beach.
The next person wants to go on a trip.
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Yes!! Someplace warm would be nice!!
The next person would like to travel someplace they have always dreamed of. (I do!! We've always talked about going to Italy someday.)
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I would like to go lots of places but it's hard for me to travel much.
The next person has been to some great places.
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Yes, I have but there are so many more I would like to go to.
The next person would like to travel around the world.
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In one way I would be curious to do that but I don't think I could do that in a practical sense.
The next person is a curious person.
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In some ways, yes I am very curious.
The next person is a very responsible. (I am. I tend to think things through before I act.)
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Yes, I'm very responsible.
The next person is insightful.
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I'd like to say I am. But there are days I wonder.
The next person is sharp-witted. (I get told I am.)
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In some ways I am.
The next person has a high IQ.
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I have never been tested so I don't know.
The next person got good grades in school.
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I did sometimes but I was very stressed as a child and sometimes found it hard to concentrate.
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I got pretty good grades in school. Except for Algebra & Latin. I only took Latin because the guidance counselor asked me to so they could have a full class. Lol
The next person learned a foreign language. (I took Spanish & Latin in high school.)
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I learnt French and German in secondary school but I wasn't very good at them.
The next person liked sport at school.
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I didn't play sports. But I was in the marching band & pep band so I went to all of the football & basketball games with the bands.
The next person participated in some sort of club in school.
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I can't think of any clubs I was in at school but I did yoga and a lot of aerobics.
The next person went camping as a child.
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ALL the time!! We went camping on the weekends, on long holiday weekends, we camped for 2 weeks in Canada every year with my Mom's family. We were a camping family!!
The next person traveled a lot as a child.
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No, I hardly travelled at all as a child.
The next person liked visiting relatives as a child.
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Yes, we visited relatives a lot when I was a child. I stayed all night with my cousins frequently.
The next person has a lot of cousins. (I do!! 23 that I grew up with & we camped with most of them in Canada every year!!)
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I have no first cousins but I have some second cousins.
The next person has nephews and nieces.
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Yes. 2 nieces and 1 nephew. 8 great nephew's and 3 great nieces.
The next person like to be crafty.
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I do some crafts. But not as much as I did when I was younger.
Vargadoll, I have 5 nieces, 3 nephews, 3 great nephews, 3 great nieces & 1 great great nephew!! And I have 1 grandson!!
The next person has lots of relatives.
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No, hardly any.
The next person goes to a lot of weddings.
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Yes, they seem to run in cycles. Last year I went to 3. This year I haven't heard of any. But that could change.
The next person goes to a lot of family functions.
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The next person needs some sleep.
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Not yet. But you do!! Good night, Aussie!! Or is it, good morning!! Lol
The next person is getting ready to leave work. (I am!!)
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Ocean, have a good evening. Yes, I need to go to bed.
No, I'm not about to leave work.
The next person had a good day today.