The Next Person Game
Weekend extended...still on vacay another day!! (what the he!! am I doing on this board? , why updating the lovely ladies who inspired me...hoping to inspire another).
The next person is planning a getaway or has at least thought about how to reward themselves this week for living and playing this game, fighting the good
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Ceanna, thanks a lot for the sympathy and hugs - I can sure use them.
I'm not planning a getaway but I try to give myself rewards all the time.
The next person plans to have fun today.
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Fun hasn't happened yet today, but I'm working on it!!! (PS. I didn't get a chance to sleep in after all--the phone rang at 8:00 and I had only had about 6 hours sleep and couldn't fall back to sleep! Oh, well. Maybe Saturday!)
The next person has spent too much time on their computer today!!
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False. It is a beautiful day and I have been outside!
The next person is working on their fingernails. ( I am since I can't go to the nail salon and get them done...😡 LE!)
Aussie- so sorry to hear about your sisters health! Big hug from North Carolina to you!
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False. It is a beautiful day and I have been outside!
The next person is working on their fingernails. ( I am since I can't go to the nail salon and get them done...😡 LE!)
Aussie- so sorry to hear about your sisters health! Big hug from North Carolina to you!
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Thank you so much, Vargadoll!!
No, I'm not working on my fingernails.
The next person is feeling tired.
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I've spent a medium amount of time on my computer.
The next person is doing two or three things at once.
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The next person has visited several countries other than her own
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The next person is watching television.
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Not yet.
The next person often watches DVDs.
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No I do work out DVDS but that's it.
The next person enjoy some sunshine and a hamburger today!
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No hamburger, but did have sunshine!
The next person had some celery today.
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the next person ran into an old friend today
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No, not today.
The next person has a house guest arriving tomorrow.
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Not that I know of!
the next person has been invited to some graduations this spring
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The next person has been to a wedding recently or will go to one soon.
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The next person went to the movies over the weekend
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The next person has been watching a good TV series lately.
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No, I can't think of anything good I've been watching. I'm rather bored with TV lately.
The next person prefers reading over TV.
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I enjoy reading a lot but I spent more time watching TV.
The next person owns a lot of books they like to read.
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We own a lot of books! But we don't read them all - they mostly collect dust. Lol
The next person should go through their books and donate some.
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There are a few books I should go through but I've been through them many times. There are lots of other things I should go through though.
The next person should go through their clothes.
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Always! Lol My hubby says I have WAY TOO MANY clothes!!
The next person should wash their car.
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The next person needs to clean their house.
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It couldn't hurt. Lol
The next person has yard work that needs done.
(It's time for me to leave work, Aussie. So I will see you soon! You should be going to bed anyways! Good night!)
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Bye, Ocean. I agree I should go to bed.
Yes, we do need to do yard work. We have a rental inspection here on Friday.
The next person is having a busy week.
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Busy is something I always am--to the extent I allow myself!!!
The next person likes crispy French fries.
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They're okay but I don't have them often.
The next person is going out to dinner this week.
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Possibly. I my BIL is flying in from Denver unexpectedly due to a sudden decline in my FIL health and I imagine there shall be a few meals picked up. I personally and living in applesauce and toast recouping from food poisoning!
The next person feels like shes drowning! To much happening at one time!
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Vargadoll, I'm sorry that your FIL is declining and you've had food poisoning. I pray you feel better soon.
Yes, I often feel overwhelmed and like I'm drowning.
The next person wants to stay home and rest.