Join our webinar: Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, March 25, 2025, 4:30pm ET
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an invasive subtype of breast cancer that can be harder to treat and is more likely to come back. But there is hope for better therapies in the future, and support is available to help right now.Join us to learn about TNBC diagnosis and treatment from experts and patient advocates.…
Weigh in: What are the best and worst gifts for people with breast cancer?
If you've been diagnosed with breast cancer, what were some of the most meaningful gifts you received, whether material or non-material? Were there any gifts or offers that weren’t helpful? And if you're a caregiver, what gifts or gestures have you given that seemed especially appreciated? Share your suggestions and…
4 Things That Breast Cancer Experts Are Watching in the New Administration
Read our exclusive take on what the changes in the White House mean for you:
IG Poll: US healthcare's impact on your care
Please join us on our Instagram page to take a quick poll about how the US healthcare's potential changes might impact your breast cancer care: https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MDIzNDI3MDU2MDEyMzE5?story_media_id=3560740900394806734&igsh=NnJoNzY3bnNkN3Y2
Breastcancer.org News Hub
Check out our reporting on trending breast cancer news in our one-of-a-kind and frequently updated News Hub:
Partners of Those With MBC Virtual Zoom Meetups every other Tues at 4pm, ET
Hi All, Reminding you that we offer a free caregivers meetup for partners of someone with MBC every other Tuesday. If you are a caregiver, or have a partner who you think could benefit, please share. We meet every other Tuesday at 4pm, ET. People need to register here to participate:…
In Treatment? Join us on Zoom, Tues & Thurs weekly!
Hi Everyone, We have created a weekly virtual support group for all who are planning or going through active treatment. If you've just been diagnosed and are planning surgery, chemo, or radiation, join our weekly Zoom Meetups. We have two meetings for you to register for: Register here: Tuesdays at 1:00 PM…
how about drinking?
Where did our thread go? Is anyone out there from our drinking group? Did I miss something - like we became too offesive or ...well, drunk? I would love to hear from you gals! Janie
De Novo Stage IV
I'm wondering if there is a topic just for de novo Stage IV. I'd like to know how people found out. Did you have symptoms that led you to the doctor for an answer? Was it found out of the blue when you had another issue and how was it found? Are there others like me who have never shown it in your breast but only where it…
So...whats for dinner?
I thought it might be fun to start a thread on what we are having, making or had for dinner. Sometimes it is the best tuna steak you ever had, sometimes it's a can of soup. But we all do it every night in some form or another. Maybe we can give each other ideas on what to make, or bitch about what we had, or the fact that…
thread for middle age to older Christian women.
I would like to start a forum to meet other middle age or older women who have bc and love the Lord. Try to live your life for him, walk the walk and talk the talk. Of course we all fall from grace because we are human but we are covered by the blood of Jesus. Also this forum is for people who has a large enough vocabulary…
triple positive, node negative, and microinvasive--now what?
Hi. I posted before when I was not sure if I had microinvasion and now everything is confirmed. I wondered if anyone is +++ and miccroinvasive out there. I think that my MO will not recommend further treatment beyond the mastectomy but I wonder if anyone else has been through this. I feel like the recent articles I've read…
It feels like my whole life is crashing down
All my life I have tried to leave healthy , avoid junk food , exercise even if I do not enjoy it, do everything to support my immune system and all that shebang. I watched my mom die from breast cancer at the age of 40 and now here I am. Late October , I felt a dull ache in my right best that woke me up in the middle of…
Starting Radiation October 2019
Is anyone else starting radiation in October? I was supposed to start today but it took them so long to do the x-rays and more markings that they mercifully postponed the treatment until tomorrow--which is October. I will be having 30 treatments over six weeks.
My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer
As I go through this forced path I have been thrown down, I have come to realize the love I have always had for my husband was strong. He is amazing and I love him with my very soul and entire heart. Never would I ever imagine the thought of dying and him being alone. Then the worst part hit me!! I can't seem to shake the…
ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call
Hello everyone My mom was dx in November 2010. She is in her Chemo courses and only 2 sessions left. She is so well now and is very hopefull.My little niece makes her so happy and she is planning for the ceremony of her first birthday. Since she was dx I've explored in this site in different cathegories but sisters with…
Finished Verzenio but having problems
I finished act chemo, Masectomy, radiation then two years of Verzenio - September 2024. Still on Zoladex and Femara. Since stopping verzenio, the most concerning issue is slightly elevated alt and ast - 50 and 70 at this point but ultra sound and mri without contrast show no Mets. Also, It has taken about 5 months for my…
Cats, cats, cats
a thread for crazy cat ladies! I thought maybe just pics of your own cats, and if there's not enough then just any old cat you can find! I have 8. Technically only 5 are mine, the others think they live here. Mostly because I feed them with everybody else and they never seem to leave!
Anyone Else Having Technical Issues?
From the Mods: "All, as we have stated, please do not use this thread as a reporting feature, as we cannot guarantee all issues will be seen/addressed. The easiest way to ensure we have received your issues and the appropriate way to report issues is by clicking the Report a Technical Issue link in the Quick Links menu on…
All about Xeloda
I will complete my first cycle of Xeloda today (2 weeks on; one week off). I have already noticed some signs of HFS on my feet. Sometimes they are red and feel hot. I've had some minor skin peeling, but not any blistering. The heels are the worst (the most sensitive) and it is uncomfortable to walk. I hope I get to see the…
Lets Post our Daily Exercise
I'm doing the Firm Cardio Step mix and will walk the dog for a mile later today. Lorrie
Any Long term two time breast cancer survivors out there?
Hello I was diagnosed with breast cancer (Triple positive) in 2017, went through the whole gamut of treatment - masectomy, taxol / Herceptin and 5 years of tamoxifen. It was classified last stage 1 early stage. Two years after I stopped tamoxifen, I got diagnosed with breast cancer again. This time it's ER/PR positive but…
Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?
I am an "older" woman with breast cancer (I was diagnosed at 65 and am now 66). I notice that most of the posts seem to be from people younger than I am (often by quite a bit...). I'd love to "talk" with others my age, exchange info about their diagnoses, effects on their lives, etc. I see that there is a forum for young…
Chest tightness - post Bilateral Mastectomy
I've done a search, and have come up empty handed.....so I'm asking those of you who have had bilateral mastectomies (without reconstruction)......what about chest tightness???? I am now 11 days past my BMX. Two (of four) drains were removed three days ago, and the tightness wasn't so bad then (otherwise, I would have…
Illinois ladies facing bc
I'm very curious about all the Illinois ladies who are making this breast cancer journey or who have finished it. Where are you located? What's your diagnosis? Where are you in your treatment plan? How's it going for you? I thought we might be surprised to find somebody right in our own back yard that could use some…
Early Stage Breast Cancer - anyone on Letrozole and Ribociclib?
Wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with Early Stage Breast Cancer and on AI/Ribociclib regimen? I’m going to start after radiation and wondering how your treatment is going and if there are any tips out there! Thanks in advance!
Keto/low carb sisterhood
Hey everyone! I'd love to connect with other women who are currently on a keto/low carb diet. Let's support one another with accountability, recipe exchange, research findings, tips/tricks, struggles, and mutual support. Please introduce yourself, when and why you went keto, and share your fave keto treat. ***************…
Unbearable, relentless pain after core biopsy and clips over 20-years ago.
3mg Iverheal which is 12 mg Ivermectin, has cured, ended, the searing pain I've endured, on and off, after a breast biopsy 20-years ago. I did not have cancer. "Calcium deposit." It has been 12-months since I took the Ivermectin. One dose. I can arrive at no other conclusion, at this moment. All the women describing their…
Reporting forum feedback and technical issues
Hello Everyone, As with any new technology, it can take time to work through issues and adapt to the new site. We thank you for your patience and understanding, and are here to help support you. Our team is dedicated to giving you the best experience possible, with plans for adding features and enhancements over time. We…
How long have you been Stage IV?
We have a thread of what age you were diagnosed at Stage IV, so how about "How long have you lived with Stage IV". Also please state if you were Stage IV from the get go. I'm asking for this information in hoping to have MANY more years than the 2-3 I was given and to give hope to those newly diagnosed with Stage IV. 1…
Has anyone had a preventative DMX years after Lumpectomy?
When I was going through breast cancer in 2021, my breast surgeon, my radiation oncologist, and my oncologist counseled me to get a lumpectomy and radiation. They told me that getting a SMX or DMX for what was thought to be a 5mm tumor (it turned out to be 3mm) was like trying to kill an ant with a sledgehammer. The…
Hello, I am Catholic., and I have been walking with Jesus my whole life...and He has saved me from "me" many times...LOL.... One thing I do, is pray.. a lot. I think we all do as Christians. I headed this thread Catholic only because of what I am posting. All are welcome to pray this anytime.. but I did not want to offend…
Calling all TNs
I think that we tn's need to have a sign up list like some of the other threads have...maybe put your age, and also what treatment you have had or are now having. What to do you think? I can start: age 50, diagnosed at age 49 1/2, lumpectomy, 4 AC Dose dense (every two weeks) and 4 Taxol, Dose Dense every 2 weeks. 35 rads…
Stage III Cancer Survivors...15+ years and out
Let's just see what happens here...This is a "build it and they will come" experiment. It's time. If you are not a 15 year survivor but know the story of someone who is, please join in.
Finishing verzenio
I have just finished two years of abemaciclib, following on from surgery, chemo and radiotherapy. I was lucky that just as I finished radiotherapy, Verzinio was approved in the UK for stage 3 BC patients with high risk of recurrence. Given the pretty awful side effects as well as the timing, it means that there aren't many…
Heart issue(s) and breast cancer: What's your story?
Share with others here ❤️ For more information, please see our new page on Heart Tests for People With Breast Cancer.
Mammogram ultra missed polyp mri now scheduled
At this point I’m just hungry for support. Saw aereola changes last July while moving to a new state. Saw Md in September and received immediate mammogram and diagnostic ultrasound for palpable small polyp underneath areola. Results only showed very dense breast tissue. I should’ve known, but didn’t do the research about…