The Next Person Game
I love fall but am not looking forward to winter!
the next person lives where there are distinct seasons
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True! The next person sometimes sits on her cat on the sofa / chair because she doesn't see it in the dark...
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No, but I sometimes sit on a teddy bear if I don't see it.
The next person likes teddy bears.
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Yes, I love teddy bears! I collect them!
Just stopping in while I have a minute - I haven't been here in quite a while!
The next person has taken some nice trips recently.
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True! I just got back from Philadelphia.
The next person loves a History Vacation.
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Hi Ocean and RuthBru!!
I've never been on a History Vacation.
The next person has been to the beach recently.
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(that just means you go to museums and other historical sites when you are on vacation)
I was at the beach (Myrtle Beach to be exact) in July.
It might SNOW where the next person lives tonight.
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Thankfully not!!!
The next person had a rainy day today!
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No, it's been warm and sunny.
The next person is having a hot day today.
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The next person will have Fall like weather this weekend
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False. It is supposed to be above 90 tomorrow!?!
The next person just finished reading a good book.
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I'm reading a good book now but haven't finished it yet.
Our weather is crazy right now. It has been in the 90's all week and is supposed to finally be fall like tomorrow in the 60's! Is this really October?!
The next person is ready for fall-like temperatures.
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Yes! We had a hot day today but it's still winter weather most of the time here.
The next person has been working hard.
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True. Had to make roll dough from scratch since my bread maker bit the dust a while back.
The next person is very tired
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The next person is looking forward to the weekend.
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Amen to that.
The next person is going to exercise this evening
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The next person is fit
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somewhat true....theres room for improvement anyway!
The next person is was out past midnight last nigjt.
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The next person needs good sleep tonight.
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True (had interrupted sleep last night)
The next person likes doing crafts0 -
the next person's favorite color is red
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False, mine is yellow.
The next person is having a lazy day at home0 -
it has been a pretty busy day for me
the next person has a busy week ahead
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I don't have a lot of particular plans this week but every week ends up being busy.
The next person is going to watch TV tonight.
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Likely to watch TV tonight!
The next person is appreciating a change in the weather.
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No......because we might get a SNOW STORM starting Thursday!!!!!
the next person needs to get her lawn furniture put away!
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None to put away, but experiencing the change of seasons!
The next person needs to mow their lawn and start leaf pickup!
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False - it was just mowed.
Something made the next person smile today.
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Teddy bears make me smile every day.
The next person loves teddy bears.
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True (although more like than love)
The next person is very thrifty0