The Next Person Game
The next person can't remember the last time she slept through a whole night.
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False. I have trouble some nights falling asleep but then sleep like a log!
The next person is a night owl and hates getting up in the morning (especially when it's still dark outside!!!!).
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The next person needs a lot of sleep.
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the next person sometimes sleepwalks0 -
The next person has a lot of dreams
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True...just not the ones while I sleep...
The next person has scuba dived
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False but I have gone snorkelling.
The next person likes the beach.
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Love, love, LOVE the beach!!
The next person likes the mountains.
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I like mountains but, like Oceanbum, I LOVE the beach.
The next person will dress up for Halloween
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No, I won't but I'm anxious to see my grandson in his costume. He's going to be a firefighter. I saw pics from the other night when he rode on the firetruck in the parade with his Daddy. He was SO cute.
The next person will have many trick or treaters.
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My first attempt, thank you. We will have many trick-or-treaters at work. Schools get out at noon tomorrow, so they should come earlier than last year.
The next person likes chocolate.
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LOVE chocolate!! Unfortunately. Lol
MissouriCat, we will have around 15 trick-or-treaters. Where we used to live we had 350-400!!
The next person will hand out the kind of candy they case there's leftovers. Lol
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No, we don't usually have trick or treaters.
The next person needs to go to the dentist soon.
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350 to 400 trick-or-treaters, oh how fun!!! I've never had that many! Leftover candy, Reese's please!
I could use a trip to the dentist, it is overdue.
The next person will let you know if they've ever broken a tooth.
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Yes, I broke a tooth at a restaurant once.
The next person doesn't have many fillings.
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Four, all from childhood.
The next person still has her wisdom teeth
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The next person grinds their teeth.
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No, don't grind my teeth or still have my wisdom teeth.
The next person recently visited her dental hygienist. (And BTW, why is it called a visit when it is not really a social occasion?)
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No, but dentist visit coming up soon!! Don't have a clue about using the word "visit" for something like a dental checkup!!
The next person has had a root canal? Ouch!!
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True! As a result of a marching band accident. Lol
The next person has had braces on their teeth.
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No! But probably could have used them on my bottom teeth!!
I'm sure there's a story behind that answer!!! I'd love to hear the story of how a marching band accident led to root canal!!
The next person had their hair trimmed this week.
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true, today!
the next person dyes her hair
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True, can't stand the greys!
The next person keeps a diary0 -
True, I write things in my diary date book and my journal.
The next person has a pretty calendar.
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A co-worker JUST gave me a kitty calendar! It is adorable!
The next person was a princess for Halloween as a child.
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False, I was a gypsy one year but that's the closest to a princess I can remember.
ceanna, yes there is a story behind the marching band accident. Lol I played a mellophone, which is a marching french horn. So it has a big bell that is impossible to see around. We were on the field during a Friday night performance. The person in front of me stopped before the designated spot. I ran right into the back of the them and the bell hit the back of their head and the mouthpiece knocked both of my front teeth loose!! I came off the field with my teeth loose and bleeding!! We went to the dentist the next morning. He said they would tighten themselves back up and I would eventually need a root canal on them, it may take 20 years but I would eventually lose them. He was right - it took 25 years but I eventually had to have root canals on both front teeth and have them replaced with porcelain crowns.
The next person wears contact lenses.
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I don't, but I think I probably could now, think this AI makes my vision blurry, or it could just be the fact I am 56 years old now.
I was in band and could totally see that happening! How interesting your dentist was correct!
The next person loves banana Laffy Taffy candy.
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I don't know, I haven't heard of it here in Australia.
The next person has a messy desk.
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Usually. Lol But at least I can find everything and I do try to clean it up before I leave for the day.
The next person is expecting a weather change.
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Hi Ocean!!
Yes, we're having a heatwave (35C) and it's meant to be cooler over the weekend.
The next person is wearing a short sleeved top.