The Next Person Game
Absolutely!! I often put in 4 different kinds.
The next person enjoys making several different kinds of soup.
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I can make several kinds of soup but I'm not sure how much I enjoy it.
The next person likes mushroom soup.
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The next person will travel for Thanksgiving
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False - there's no Thanksgiving in Australia. When is it?
The next person will cook for Thanksgiving.
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No, family is coming to us.
The next person plans to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
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Yes, just about an hour. Our family get-togethers are always stressful, so if yours are not, be grateful.
The next person likes oyster stuffing.
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I don't know - I've never had it.
The next person likes cooking.
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Yes love to cook!!! .....and MissouriCat my oyster dressing is the BOMB!!!
the next person likes to wash dishes
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No, although it's satisfying to get things done
The next person would rather vacuum than mop
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The next person prefers to dust.
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I don't like any housework!
the next person had snow on the ground this morning
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not even close 74 and sunny here
the next person went to the grocery today
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We did go to the shops but only to go to the dentist, not to buy anything.
The next person does grocery shopping by themselves.
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Hi Aussie! Hope your dentist appt went well.
Not usually. My hubby goes with me most of the time.
The next person has started Christmas shopping.
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False. I need to get in the ball! With 6 grandkids it adds up quick!
The next person raked leaves today.
Ruth- snow already?!!??
Aussie- Thanksgiving in November 28.
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Hi Ocean!! My dentist appointment went okay, thanks for wondering.
Thanks, Vargadoll!!
No, I didn't rake leaves today - it's spring here.
The next person has a nice backyard.
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Pretty overgrown, but I enjoy the woods behind the yard.
The next person has had a tick bite (fortunately my encounter was found before it embedded!)
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True. I hope this isn't too gross but I had a tick lay eggs in my head when I was maybe 5 or 6. The doctor had to scrape them out after removing the tick. It was very painful but thank goodness they didn't hatch.
The next person has had a broken bone.
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The next person has a doctor appointment tomorrow.
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False, but I did go and get my echo yesterday! I told the tech I do not like watching my heartbeat, and he told me most people do, it means that you're alive. Totally made me think - different perspective is good! And glad you survived that tick encounter, oh my! I don't like those little critters.
The next person loves winter weather.
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False, give me spring and summer weather any day!!
The next person is running errands today.
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Yes, I did run some errands earlier today.
The next person is having, will have or did have a busy day
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True. Extremely busy!
The next person received shocking news today...I did....u have glaucoma!
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Oh no Varga! What do you need to do about it?
I, thankfully, didn't get any shocking news today.
The next person is awaiting news of a new baby's arrival.
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Nope .... all babies are done for now last grand daughter is 7
The next person has a small dog
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False, no pets.
The next person has a cat.
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This question must be meant for me. Yes, and 5 kittens at the moment. My first time for kittens, of all things. Vargadoll, I am sorry about your glaucoma, hugs.
The next person has a very clean house.
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Vargadoll, I am sorry about your glaucoma too.
False, not a very clean house.
The next person has a pretty house.
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I think so. Much prettier than it was when we moved in. Lol
The next person likes houses with a front porch.
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The next person has plants on their front porch.