The Next Person Game
True; my most fun club or organization is my Book Club, which we started in 1999 & we have met monthly since then (having Zoom meetings during Covid).
The next person is in a Book Club
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The next person goes to church.
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Yes although I grew up rarely attending church.
The next person has a big event or meeting happening this coming week.
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I am on vacation this week!
The next person has flown on a helicopter (I just got off one a few minutes ago!)
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No but that sounds exciting!
The next person has flown in a plane in the last year.
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The next person likes to travel
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The next person loves sitting outside and listening to the birds sing.
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The next person has had a lovely, sunny day.
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False (rainy today)
The next person missed this site while it was under construction.
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Welcome back!
The next person is happy to see their friends again.
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The next person has nice plans for the weekend.
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I just got back from a wonderful vacation, so this weekend I will try to get reorganized!
The next person is tired!
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The next person is an early riser.
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Not most of the time.
The next person got plenty of sleep last night.
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Pretty good.
The next person likes to take lots of pictures
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The next person uses a camera as well as a phone.
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not any more
the ability to delete pictures she doesn't want has saved the next person a great deal of money!
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The next person is watching American Idol.
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The next person is watching Game of Thrones. (I read the books a while ago, and DH and I are finally getting to the series.)
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The next person will watch some of the coronation festivities on Saturday
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Hope to
The next person misses so many friends here who have not returned. 😞
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Very true
It's a lovely day where the next person lives (it finally is here!)
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True - it was a gorgeous day
The next person may be looking at an interesting business opportunity
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False but good luck, Miriandra, if you are!
The next person will be visiting a friend this weekend.
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True! Well more precisely they visited me.
The next person speaks three languages.
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I speak English fluently, watashi-wa skoshi Nihon-go wakarimasu, e parlo un po' d'Italiano.
The next person will be meeting with a lawyer soon.
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It's on my 'to do' list (my brother & wife brought their adult children with them when they reviewed their will, which I thought was a very good idea).
The next person watched quite a bit of the coronation yesterday
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The next person likes to visit State Parks and National Parks.
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the next person's mother is still living (if so, I am very jealous!)
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False. She lived long enough to be a grandmother, but passed a year later of complications from lung cancer.
The next person has squirrels scurrying about their yard.