The Next Person Game



  • mom2bill
    mom2bill Posts: 8,316


    The next person hates wrapping gifts.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962


    The next person watches the series 'The Crown' on Netflix.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Posts: 5,502

    I have watched a few episodes of The Crown.

    The next person likes Jane Austen movies (eg. Pride and Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, Persuasion)

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,259


    The next person likes historical costume movies. (As a side note, if anyone watched "The Tudors"; you might have noticed that the costumes, especially for the women, changed quite a bit after the first season. They had originally gone for more of a fantasy, bodice-ripper look. But they completely misjudged their fan base. They had hundreds of complaints about no one wearing underdresses, and Victorian style corsets in a pre-Elizabethan era. Fortunately, they got the message and cleaned things up.)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    True. Now I need to watch The Tudors to notice the costume change.

    The next person is going to a New Year's Eve party.

  • True - I have not told my husband that I have abnormal cells (not cancerous per the biopsy) on my cervix and am having a LEEP procedure on Tuesday AM to remove them. He will freak out that maybe I have cancer again, so I'm not telling him.

    The next person has a secret savings account for treating themselves once in awhile…

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,259

    False. We've always had separate bank accounts with one shared account for bills that we both contribute into. So much easier that way.

    The next person loves finding treasures at thrift stores.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    false….I already have too many 'treasures'!!!! 😉

    oldladyblue, hope your procedure went okay.

    miriandra, DH & I do the same thing with money! That way we can both spend our discretionary money how we want with no one rolling their eyes!

    The next person is working on a project.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    True: decluttering, cleaning, getting rid of things I don't need anymore, etc

    The next person likes January.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    False, it's too dark, cold, and the weather is too unsettled here in January.

    The next person will take a winter vacation

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    False unless I decide to plan one!

    The next person has a basement where they live.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,259

    True! It's my cave of chaos and creativity. My art workshop is down there.

    The next person has a patio.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    We have a deck in the front & another one in the back of our house…..and a picnic table under a big tree in the backyard……plenty of nice places to hang outside when the weather is nice.

    The next person is not having nice weather right now!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    False (for one day at least)

    The next person watches basketball on tv or in person. (Carolina vs NC State is on right now. Go Carolina!)

  • false - don't watch sports at all….

    The next person has insomnia tonight and often doesn't sleep well

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    False - I'm lucky that it's only every once in awhile that I have insomnia. Hope you sleep better tonight, oldlady.

    The next person is having soup for supper tonight.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    False, although I love soup!

    The next person belongs to a Book Club.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,259

    False, but I love reading. I just finished a Gail Carriger novel.

    The next person likes Steampunk.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    It's cool!

    The next person has been decluttering drawers, closets, papers, etc.

  • True, this is the year to fully declutter my home! I do a bit every day. Right now I have 150 magazines in the back of my car that I took off the shelves. Trying to give them to a thrift store, but none of the thrift stores accept magazines! Who knew?

    The next person lives on a very busy street with lots of traffic noise.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962


    The next person's weather will be affected by the California rain storm.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,259

    Potentially? It's probably feeding our winter storm warning this weekend.

    The next person had to shovel snow this week.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    False, it has been unusually mild here.

    It's been very foggy where the next person lives.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    False - beautiful clear blue skies but that changes this weekend

    The next person has bought Girl Scout cookies this year.

  • mom2bill
    mom2bill Posts: 8,316


    The next person likes British TV shows.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    Love them!

    The next person puts the captions on when watching British TV shows

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,259

    I put on captions for everything from Japanese anime to American shows!

    The next person will not be watching the Super Bowl this weekend.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    I'll have it on. I'll watch if it's close, otherwise I'll just check out the commercials!

    The next person babysat either a child or a dog today.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946


    The next person has been watching "The Woman in the Wall" on Showtime (it may be on other streaming channels)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    False, is it good?

    The next person loves British mysteries