The Next Person Game
If stuffing counts as a cherished family recipe!😄
The next person is hosting Thanksgiving so needs to get to work!!
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The next person likes pumpkin pie.
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The next person will be busy today cooking
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False, the kids (ages 16 and 13) decided to do a spread of snack foods this year. It will be a great experience for them, and we don't have a huge family to impress. 😆
The next person's DH is a fantastic cook.
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(Wow, Miriandra, I'm impressed with what your kids decided they wanted for Thanksgiving this year!)
The next person has been watching football games.
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They've been on the TV all weekend…….I have been watching them some.
The next person is going on a fun trip before Christmas
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False, unless something suddenly happens.
The next person has family coming in from out of town for the holidays.
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The next person will be having a low key holiday this year.
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I don't know! I am on a fun trip to Branson, Missouri, so I have not started any Holiday Planning......I am home late tomorrow so will have to kick it into gear on Sunday!
The next person has been to Branson.
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False but now I want to go.
The next person has gone or will be going to a Christmas parade.
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The next person will go to a holiday arts and crafts fair.
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Probably not…..I already have too much stuff.
The next person is enjoying unusually mild weather.
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False. It's seasonal here.
The next person is expecting a bad storm this weekend.
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the next person has already shoveled snow this year
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false….I’ve never had to shovel snow 🙂
The next person likes to eat tamales during the holidays
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I like tamales year round, not just during the holiday, mom2bill. Is this a tradition? Love it if it is! One day maybe you will be around snow and have to shovel it. It's a workout!
The next person will be baking cookies soon or has already done so.
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True, I did today.
The next person's mom was a much better cook than she is.
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"Wonderland: True - Love your new avatar, Aussie!"
Thanks, Wonderland. Hi, everyone!
False, my Mum isn't a great cook.
The next person will be doing a lot of cooking for Christmas.
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Hi Aussie!
Not a lot, but more than usual.
The next person is traveling over the holidays,
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Wonderland: I also like tamales all year round, but they do seem to be a Christmas season tradition ( at least here in California)
The next person will be hosting a holiday party.
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False, but I just got home from one.
The next person has an owl in their neighborhood. (Ours is quite chatty!)
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Hi Ruth!
I don't think we have owls around here.
The next person has possums in their area.
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I don't think so.
The next person has skunks in her area.
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True (my bil and sil had some living under their deck this summer)
The next person has moles in her area.
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Not much, but we have rabbits to spare.
The next person has coyotes nearby.
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true…although there's more in the western part of the state
the next person has a hobby
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The next person likes margaritas. (I've been looking at recipes for Christmas and the Mistletoe Margarita sounds like a winner)
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True (The Mistletoe Margarita sounds intriguing)
The next person likes cannoli
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True! They're also my DH's favorite dessert.
The next person has a special recipe they only make during the holidays.
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Several (all involving cookies!) 😀
the next person has all her gifts purchased