The Next Person Game



  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    LOL, sorry, I don't seem to know what any of these letter combos mean.  So I guess it's safe to assume my answer is false.

    The next person is so behind in the tech world that they might as well live in a cave. Embarassed

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    True..... but my cave has a front porch, with WiFi. LOL. I am able to keep my blog on my own, but nearly anything else baffles me completely. I have absolutely no 'intuitive-sense' regarding technology. My husband says, that the computer senses my fear.

    We are hooked on NPR at my house, my DH even more than I. (Sharon: NPR = National Public Radio and BCS has to do with our college football bowl selection process = Bowl Championship Series.... I think that's what it stands for, but it's a big computer formula.... big deal in some quarters)

    The next person is headed to an airport today.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Thanks answer False was correct as I suspected.

    False, I am not headed to the airport.  I hope your weather is better than it is here where they have a weather warning out for snow, freezing rain and rain.

    The next person is going to do some Christmas baking today.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - no baking today....out to work.

    Sharon where do you live?  It is raining and the wind is howling right now, forecast is for temps to drop and this will turn to freezing rain and snow - oh goody, just what we all love to drive in.

    NPR has the most wonderful programs on and the news is in depth, not just a headline...also you can get BBC news (British Broadcast) - if you ever want to know what the rest of the world thinks of us, listen to that newscast.

    The next person is holding out for better deals before shopping

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    False.  I plan to do almost no shopping.  I enjoy getting together with friends but shopping is not for me. 

    I live in Ontario Well and the snow is really picking up. 

    The next person can't wait to go out for a romp in the snow.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    False. Am awaiting my plane's departure..... no snow inside (fortunately: LOL)

    The next person wears a watch every day.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    False, I used to before lymphedema.  Could wear it on my other wrist but it just doesn't work for me.

    The next person ia making stew for supper.  Comfort food for the weather........snowing again.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    false, but that does sound good.

    The next person has an i-phone

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    LOLOL.........False.  Once again, I'm a neanderthal when it comes to technology. (Please excuse my spelling.)

    Stew is smelling darned good.  Lots for everyone.........

    The next person has nothing planned for supper and would like to join us for stew.

  • jillisucat
    jillisucat Member Posts: 104

    True, that would be me!  But my poor family is used to me not cooking -- I  teach yoga and step aerobics a few nights a week, after working all day as a first grade teacher.  So I'll be joining you for stew after I teach tonight!

    The next person has all their Christmas shopping done already! 

  • Flywithme337
    Flywithme337 Member Posts: 7

    False - I have a few more things to pick up once I get paid again, on the 16th....

    The next person has been to Europe.  (* I have been to a few countries, as I used to be a Flight Attendant....)

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154


    The next person doesn't fly...........EVER.

  • jillisucat
    jillisucat Member Posts: 104

    False - I love to travel.  Went to France in June (I was born in Monaco) and would LOVE to go back.  I also have a standing invitation to visit friends in Morocco -- we met through their interest in having their son come on an exchange with another family, so he came last summer.  We talk on Skype frequently - the family is European - and so sweet -- the mom just sent a box of Belgian chocolates from her last trip to visit family.  So I'd go in a heartbeat if I had the money and time!

     The next person loves to get pedicures.

  • PinkyLee
    PinkyLee Member Posts: 427

    First time here, but love a pedicure.  Need one now!

    The next person is looking for a significant other.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    False not looking for another, but I would love a pedicure.......even have a gift cert for one.

    Welcome Pinky.

    The next person has children.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    true....we have one daughter (21) and a junior in college....going to be an elementary school teacher :)

    I love pedicures and manicures, but haven't had that since chemo :(

    the next person had to turn their air conditioning on today. I got pretty warm while cleaning house.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154


    Heat on here.  -20C last night.  Snowed all day.  I'm on my way to visit you LC.  And stop cleaning!!!

    The next person just heard a train whistle.

  • Stormy1
    Stormy1 Member Posts: 295

    False. They don't come through town until later on tonight.

    The next person enjoys ironing.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154


    The next person loves hanging out the laundry.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    false....never have hung laundry. Come on down Sharon. However, there is a storm passing through right now and it's gonna bring cold least it will be cold for us :)

    The next person likes sweet potatoes

  • tami48
    tami48 Member Posts: 270 sweet potatoes with cinnamon, sugar and butter!  Yum!

    The next person likes classic rock

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    True. Just give me old time rock and roll. The kinda music that will....... hmmm what are the lyrics?

    The next person is in a hotel room.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    Yes, I am.......I know so many who have lost the battle to this disease and that becomes so frustrating and depressing.  I am fortunate that I have been NED since 2005 and just try to take it one day at a time.  The Lord is in charge of my life and worrying will change I try not to do that.  I try to live my life each day with appreciation and gratefulness and in serving others by loving and encouraging them.  (sorry long answer to a short question)

    The next person has been eating really lousy.

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    Yikes, too true.  The worst since my dx 3 years ago.  In my defense my dh was in the hospital in a city 2 hrs away and with his surgery prep, and driving back and forth and sweating bullets, I was grabbing whatever.  I feel awful, but the lousy eating is sooooo easy to fall into.

    The next person is in a baking exchange. - See, can't shake the food thing!  And while I am here any tips on making a soft diet appetizing? Please and thank you.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    soothe your soul?

    False, I am not in a baking exchange. I have been starving all day and I don't know why.

    A baked sweet potato is a good soft diet food.... butter and cinnamon, just like Boobs likes.

    The next person has helped Habitat for Humanity in the past.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    False. Embarassed

    The next person is looking out at a winter wonderland.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    False - 55 degrees and pouring rain here.

    The next person is in her robe and jammies. 

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    so true.....but I have to get moving. I have tons to do today.

    The next person sleeps with an electric blanket

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    False, with my hot flashes/night sweats, I am the electric blanket!

    Thanks, MissS, I'll pick some up today.

    The next person reads a daily affirmation. 

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - I have my own daily affirmation:  "I'm 60, I have breast cancer and I have a short list of things I worry about and that's not on my list"

    I am still in my jammies - don't have to go to work until a 6pm appointment tonight....and since I'm battling a cold, I am also wrapped up in a robe.

    I have not put any physical labor in on a Habitat project but my dear friend did - she painted and inhaled so much plaster dust that she ended up with a severe sinus infection....let no good deed go unpunished!  I have contributed to the fund though.

    The next person has seen the pyramids in Egypt