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The Next Person Game



  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    True, but that won't happen until the thaw.

    The next person needs to do insurance paperwork today.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966

    False.. Thank god!

    The next person has began working on their income taxes

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    False, omg, I forgot about those Cry  I used to be the form queen, bbc and chemo brain.

    The next person has decided not to get dressed today. Did a majic act, baked, worked a little on the ins stuff and is going to have a nap.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    sounds good Llean....false for me...had to work coming into a customer service position without clothes..could be  a big problem!! lol

    The next person is getting away this weekend.  I am!!

  • bermudagem
    bermudagem Member Posts: 12

    No, But I wish I was. I need the break.

    Have a great time My3girls.

    curliegs....Thanks so much. He is my spoiled furbaby.

    The next person loves to wear black.....

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    True...I do love black. But I like allot of color too.

    Thanks...bermudagem...I will enjoy myself...going to Arizona for a long the cold Ohio weather.

    The next person enjoys a good pb&j once in awhile.

  • Catrenae
    Catrenae Member Posts: 572

    True-- Makes for a good breakfast on lazy Saturday mornings.

    The next person is planning what to make for dinner.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    True. The plan is actually where are we going for dinner, tho?? That's what I'm making: a plan. LOL.

    We're going into the big town with our list of errands a mile long.

    have fun in AZ, my3gs........... soak up the sun!!

    I LOVE crunchy PB, but very seldom add the J.

    The next person drinks green tea.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966

    Yes I do... right now to be exact...:)

    Enjoy AZ!!!

    The next person has polish on their nails

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    True, and coffee, and chi, and lemon and and and

    Ou, just had a pb and bananna....

    Dinner is going to be salmon, green beans/red pepper, rice, lettuce and raspberry salad.

    The next person is reading a great book in their 'spare' time and if you are please share.  This person is hungry for a good book. I just noticed with me it is all about food I even 'eat' books. :)

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291 book reading right now..but I may start on on Friday, while I am flying.

     Thanks for all the good wishes!! I am visiting my fav. sister..and it's her b'day!

    llean..I just had pbj and a bananna too!

    The next person is buying things for Valentines day.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - still taking Christmas stuff down.....yikes.....seems I'm moving a little slower these days!

    Faith - I check the Weather Channel site and it says 70's starting tomorrow in St. Pete & Lakeland and up to 76 on Saturday - man, that's shorts weather! 

    Curli:  Have you talked to your chemo nurses about the sore throat - maybe they have suggestions?  My c-nurses knew more than my onc did about chemo related issues.  My throat was raging sore from the surgery and lasted so long I was positive I had throat cancer!  Hugs to you

    llean:  I am reading a very good book - A Woman In Jerusalem by A.B. Yehoshua.  I like to read books about different cultures.  This is fiction and was named Washington Post Best Book of the Year.

    The next person has looked at recent pictures of herself and is wondering how she has ended up with some chicken's neck instead of her own.......Yowza 

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    True, and a roadmap on her face!

    Thanks WW so much for the book tip.  Will definately go there.

    Thanks, my3, I started a valentine table runner for my dil last year.  If I get it out now.....

    The next person had a pileated woodpecker rat a tat tating on their chimney today.

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    True, and a roadmap on her face!

    Thanks WW so much for the book tip.  Will definately go there.

    Thanks, my3, I started a valentine table runner for my dil last year.  If I get it out now.....

    The next person had a pileated woodpecker rat a tat tating on their chimney today.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    False not today...but have them up north at our lake home. GEEZ, those things are huge and do they ever make GIGANDO holes.

    Going out for 'Mexican' tonight, that's my dinner planning.Went out for lunch to give a fellow BC friend a pick - me - up. Went to Bible study in the morning and got half a watercolor finished. Golly, i need a vacation!

    Next person enjoying 'fresh flowers' in the house????

    Artsee...chicken neck

  • False -- but I thought about getting some yesterday when I was at the store.

    The next person is eagerly awaiting for the new season of Lost to start tonight.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    I did this enjoying a cup of tea.

    The next person enjoyed a day with a special friend.

  • Nope, workday for me.

    The next person is eagerly awaiting the new season of Lost to start tonight.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    No, I don't watch that show.

    The next person is almost ready for bed at 8:45 p.m.  I am.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    False. I fell off the island after the first season.

    The next person keeps a scrapbook.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    OOps.... falling over you Marejo.

    It's 9:45 here and we'll head off shortly.

    The next person keeps a scrapbook.

  • False -- I used to years ago but they are now victims of my decluttering efforts.

    The next person used to watch The Monkees show when they were young.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    True - I loved the Monkees - still like their songs.

    I tivo'd Lost - dh said he's had it with the program......I'm still a little hooked tho I must admit one can grow old waiting for answers.

    The next person hates to pack for a trip - sometimes I think I'd rather just stay home than go thru this!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966

    False, I LOVE packing for a trip.. ( does that make me really odd) hehe

    Next person had a glass of wine tonight.

  • curlieqs
    curlieqs Member Posts: 806

    Thanks Well. Laughing I told the nurse today and she said it is from Taxol, but did not give me any suggestions. I see onc doc 2 weeks and will tell him :)

    Dislike packing, I never know what to bring

    Next person earned a honors society medal in college

  • curlieqs
    curlieqs Member Posts: 806

    oops sorry Estepp, we did it at the same time :)

    No wine for me, makes me nauseated with chemo...bummer

    Next person earned a honors society medal in college

  • shelloz1
    shelloz1 Member Posts: 107

    True and enjoying every minute of it.

     Next person is going on a trip soon.

  • Stormy1
    Stormy1 Member Posts: 295

    False. No trips unfortunatly.

    Curlie I hope that the onc nurses enjoyed the sugar cookies. Please work a little harder at getting your throat looked at. It sounds uncomfortable and has gone on for far too long.

    The next person has to get up in a minute and gear up to go feed horses and walk dogs.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    No I did not.  I didn't go to college.

    This is the next person's last day of work this week?

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    True!  We're leaving today for FL so TRUE also shelloz's NP statement.

    Curli:  I agree with Stormy - since this is a known s/e of the chemo they should be able to recommend something.  When you finish chemo I'll come and meet you somewhere and buy you a glass of wine to make up for not being able to have one now!

    I also did not go to college - perhaps in my next life.

    The next person has plans for a fun weekend!  See you babes next week