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The Next Person Game



  • True -- fried potatos (its a southern thing)

    The next person went to the original Woodstock.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Nope did not go to woodstock (did you?)

    Love southern fried potatoes.  I learned chicken and dumplings from my grandma

    The next person loves to read Ted Dekker books

  • jillisucat
    jillisucat Member Posts: 104

    False but we've had very little and we are enjoying it.

    Next person likes to be creative.

  • Catrenae
    Catrenae Member Posts: 572

    I think jillisucat was working off of the previous page???

    False, love to read but haven't read any of his books.

    (I also learned chicken & dunplings from my Grandmother.)

    The next person has recently received a card/note/e-mail from a dear friend.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966

    False, not lately..

    The next person is wrapped up in a blanket and her laptop..

  • crazy4carrots
    crazy4carrots Member Posts: 624

    False -- the sun is actually shining in on me and my laptop!

    The next person plays a musical instrument, and practices daily -- NOT!

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    False, but wish it was so

    The next person is a shopper.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583

    True--but not as much as I used to!

    the next person is self-indulgent sometimes 

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    OH MY GOSH NO.........We've had TONS of the white stuff this year.

    The next person is drinking a cup of green tea.

  • No, but I have some that I need to start drinking.  Its not a favorite of mine but I know green tea is good for you.

    The next person is wearing bunny slippers.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583

    Are we on different pages?? 

    false-not a bunny slipper in the house!

    The next person won't leave the house today 

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    False, already did leave and now home again.

    Did some major cleaning in our bedroom.  It seems to help Saint.  That and a few choice cuss words.

    The next person swears too much.

  • Nope, just never felt the need to include vulgarity into my vocabulary.  Thanks to a mom who raised me with manners.  :)

    The next person has helped their neighbor today.

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    False, I switched from swearing to growling - True this person growls too much

          How did your apt go Sharon?

    True looks like we are working on two pages, that confused me for awhile

    True, won't leave the house today (if I can help it) and I am loving it.

    Th next person knows how to make paper airplanes that really fly.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    LOL Hope, my Mom raised me with manners but nevertheless I seem to have developed a woodsman's vocabulary.  (Please no offence to any sweet talking woodsmen.)


    The next person is looking at another snow day tomorrow and another appt. cancellation.  Darnit.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Tripping again.  Appt. went okay thanks llean. 

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    True, I can make flying paper planes.

  • Catrenae
    Catrenae Member Posts: 572

    False-- no snow here in Texas. Although we are expecting a cold front to blow in, low of 37 tonight, with a high of 57 tomorrow.

    The next person can "roll their tongue." 

  • Okay, this is just too strange that so many people are on the wrong page.  There must be some type of computer glitch going on here. 

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    True, it is strange Laughing

    True if you mean like a pencil

    The next person can roll the r's

  • jillisucat
    jillisucat Member Posts: 104

    I think the site was down for some work today - maybe that threw it off.

    True, I can roll my tongue.

    The next person is very flexible.

  • True, my elbow is super flexible and can bend over 100 times a day to shove food into my mouth!  :)

    The next person can play the kazoo.

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    False, to the kazoo

     lol, I have an elbow like that Always

    The next person is listening to 'oldies' - like Helen Reddie

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966

    Nope... can't play anything...

    Next person is on the right

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Sigh, Helen Reddie is an oldie?  I guess so am I.

    True, I believe I'm on the correct page.

    The next person did something good for a neighbour (a few posts up) and didn't even realize it at the time.

  • curlieqs
    curlieqs Member Posts: 806

    I think so......

    Next person used to do the latch hook craft thingy

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    False to latch hook, but DD was addicted as a young-youngster.... so we have some rug-ettes.

    The next person is typing from a hotel room. (Guess what made me think of that? LOL)

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154


    The next person is so totally amazed with the sisterhood here.

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700


    The next person is having a hard time concentrating today.

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    True, I just sewed a right side and wrong side together.  Drats, it was going so well.

    The next person is feeling on top of the world, or at least a mountain