The Next Person Game
Oh, yeah!!!!
The next person is trying to eat good today...until the corned beef
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lmao...Meece...actually, I've been eating light because my other half went camping, to go crab, I'm waiting to have some fresh crab...I'll just imagine it's corned beef???
The next person has been to New Orleans, pre-Katrina?
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True, loved it.
(I would be hard pressed to have to decided between corned beef and crab, yummy stuff!)
The next person has experienced a hurrucane
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Okay, a hurricane...
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lol...only threats, when Katrina hit N.O., San Antonio was under watch...
The next person likes to sew?
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True. I used to spend a lot of time sewing. Not "sew" much any more, just have to many ironsin the fire. I have been sewing aprons lately, to give as gifts.
The next person likes to golf
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False, I don't even like miniature golf!
The next person baked some Irish bread
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False, what is it?
The next person hasn't had dinner yet
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True, and huh! It's a traditional irish flour, buttermilk, and raisin bread
The next person is going to take an art class
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False...I hear ya Meece...seems like I have a lot of beading and knitting projects going on...MY irons in the fire?
The next person likes sea fishing?
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False - never been actually
The next person ate too much for supper
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False, havn't eaten supper yet.
The next person loves animals.
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true, unfortunately I am allergic to many.
The next person has a pet bird
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False (if I tried to, it wouldn't last long as I have 3 cats!)
The next person likes to watch 'House Hunters' on HGTV
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True, on occasion.
The next person has pet fish
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The next person likes book stores
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True, and libraries too!
The next person enjoys daylight savings time
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Kind of? It's nice that it's staying sunny longer...
The next person has a game platform such as Nintendo?
Hey other half didn't catch any crabs! He said he caught a small, hairy one...THAT'S IT! He did catch some Dolly Vardens though, so at least it's something?
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The next person likes to play cards
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The next person likes Mario Kart Double Dash?
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False - video games confuse me
Ther next person sat in the sunshine today
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While I was at lunch, I did.
The next person is addicted to Facebook...I think that might've been asked...because I'm beginning to like FB!
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False, I am frustrated by it.
The next person mows their own lawn
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The next person likes to read mysteries
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True, like to read most everything!
The next person cries during sappy commericals
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The next person likes board games
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True, I love board games...don't have anyone to play with tho
The next person is having an above 70 degree day
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The next person went to the gym today
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No - I didn't go to the gym. The next person is decorating for Easter.
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False, but I will on Sunday.
The next person can't decide what to have for dinner.