The Next Person Game
The next person has fresh cut flowers in their house
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True, but not tonight. Cooked for the first time in a long time!!!
The next person likes to burn candles.
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True, I love to burn candles.
It is raining where the next person lives.
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The next person just bought a new car.
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The next person likes to camp
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False, Hotels are my camping!
The next person needs to organize their office.
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True, an I am hoping to find my label maker. Camping to me, by the way, is an RV that you just pull up and put in park.
The next person loves chocolate
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True...I do
The next person has been to Washington D.C.
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True, love Washington DC but have only been there twice. Love travel, let's continue that subject.
The next person has been to Europe.
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true, a long time ago though
the next person has been to the Badlands of North Dakota (where you can wind up in a herd of wild buffalo)
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True...sorry to say
The next person will grill out tonight (we are)
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False raining here today
the next person has a cat
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False So sad...I'm allergic
The next person has a tropical fish aquarium
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the next person enjoys knitting
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The next person plays a musical instrument
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The next person is going to read the new Kitty Kelly book about Oprah
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The next person wears glasses
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reading glasses
the next person is trying to lose 10 pounds
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True...and then some
The next person is growing a vegetable garden
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The next person will watch Brothers and Sisters tonite
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The next person has been in a tornado
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True, On my 48th birthday (June 8, 2008) it hit at the end of our driveway and there were 10 - 15 large trees fallen on our road (a 3/4 mile road) It was nasty but thankfully no damage to our house!!
The next person plays softball.
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Always! LOL!
The next person had something yummy for breakfast
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So true. (and I agree about the softball - I've never played)
The next person is procrastinating right now.
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True also! Say...hmmmm...I wonder if I quit procrastinating I would get everything done...? Might be worth a try.
The next person needs to get her fitness program in gear because summer's coming!
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False, I like gum. (Obviously I'm still procrastinating, think I need to get my paper done for class and get my work done for my job. GET OFF THE PC Suzette!).
The next person is getting a massage, pedicure, facial or manicure this week.
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True ~ Massage on Weds!
The next person needs a new hairstyle
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True...Friday is the day
The next person is good at telling jokes
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False my husband is the joker in the family
the next person is having fish for supper
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The next person grows strawberries