The Next Person Game



  • Pepper_B
    Pepper_B Member Posts: 173 enforcement officer

    the next person got good mammo results resently

    and have a GOOD talk with the sun....(me, pointing my finger)

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    thanks, takingcare... I pm'd you back!! 

    gsg, thanks... I would love to see you on tv, I think it would be neat to be on tv!   Still thinking of you, and those darn test results, which I am sure are just fine!!! I don't know yet, cause I just had my MRI today, and I'll get my results on Friday, when I go back to see my surgeon!

    the next person has great plans for the weekend!  I am going out for my birthday dinner on Sunday, since my favorite restaurant is closed on my birthday...Monday!!

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274

    True, TRUE TRUE....2 years dancing with NED

    The sun is getting ready to set so I'm talking to the Sun God for nice weather for the belated birthday girl Pepper

    Yes I'm a red hatter and loving it

    The next person has a dragon boat race this coming Sat???

    I do in Chattanooga TN

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310


    next person has a housekeeper  NOT ME LOL

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    candie, taking care, luv, harley:  thanks so much for the nice words and for the support re the x-rays.  i'm going to call the doctor first thing in the morning.

    harley:  i might be on the floor again tomorrow afternoon.  if i am, i'll post and tell you when.

    taking care:  sorry i didn't thank you earlier...sometimes when i'm posting from work, i read something and then get distracted by work and by the time i get to post again, i've forgotten what i was going to say..if that convoluted sentence makes any sense at all. 

    false...i WISH i had a housekeeper...need one desperately.

    the next person is eating a late dinner tonight.  (i'm starving) 

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    false or sorta true lol i am snacking tonight had chemo today

    next person loves jelly beans

  • keepsmiling
    keepsmiling Member Posts: 1


    I love to Karaoke, though!

    The next person is planning a cruise.

  • Pepper_B
    Pepper_B Member Posts: 173

    false ,  but I went on a cruise last August - had a blast!

    The next person is going to the ballet this weekedn. (I am for my birthday)

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, no ballet

    next person works in computers

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    gsg,  yes, please let me know when you'll be on again!  I hope I'm home in time to see you... I have to go see my ps...

    We are going on a cruise for Christmas & New Years, 2008-2009, and we just went in February.  I can't wait to go again!  I just LOVE cruises!

    False, no ballet...

    The next person will wash their car this weekend.  I'm not, but hoping dh will!!  I must have smashed about a million bugs on the windshield, with all my trips to the drs., and tests! 

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Pepper - enjoy the ballet this weekend...I love the ballet - I love all live theater.

    gsg - I envy you - I'm a very political animal and in my next life I think I'll run for office.  I hope your results are clear....

    True, I will wash my car - or run it thru the car wash........I think we are having rain for the next couple days so a weekend wash will be the time.

    The next person has started spring cleaning......we haven't put away our winter coats yet so no spring cleaning here just yet.

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310


    next person has done volunteer work

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False to the car wash Harley, but big hugs to you, GSG and all ladies waiting on test results.  Keeping you close at heart.

    Borrowing an awesome red-hat from Evil and helping her "muscle" the sun over to Pepper. Hope the ballet is fab too Pepper!

    Thanks too, to Candie for reminding me how relaxing a good book can be.

    Edit time - lol   Guggerty - No spring cleaning yet, contractors just leaving from installing new, I can clean. lol

    Kbug - True to volunteering.  I love to help out at the local animal shelter and whenever I can help a's a done deal.

    The next person currently has fresh cut flowers in her home. 

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    True - still have some flowers from my birthday (they arrived late so they're still beaming)

    TC - What kind of new flooring did you get?  Aren't ya so happy the work is done.........

    The next person is going to bed - like me Falling AsleepGood night 

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    Guggerty - We had a dishwasher "flood" the kitchen hardwoods, so with a pool home decided to go with a bullet-proof Italian Porcelain Tile.  It has kind of a Tuscany feel to it.  Now, the kitchen needs updating to match. lol 

    True, nighty night and sweet dreams to all!

    The next person kicks their feet out from beneath the covers!

  • Tigwin
    Tigwin Member Posts: 115

    TRUE TRUE TRUE...I thought it was just me..I have to have at least one foot out from under the covers.  What is up with that?

    Next person....has traveled outside of the US and loves to talk about their travel adventure.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I lived in Europe for three years. It was ages ago, though, so I don't talk about it very much.

    I also have to stick a foot out. It's because of my HOT body!  Laughing

    Gsg, I didn't realize we had a c-span star in our midst! I'm gonna try to find you. Let's hope I don't get addicted to the Senate. Wink Good luck on your test results.

    Congrats on the new floor, TC. Now let the remodeling commence!!

    The next person is wondering if I'm ever going to shut up here.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, Miss Shapen, you can talk all you want.

    I stick my foot out,also.  Gsg, staying right with you for your good results. Hope you hear today so the worrying can stop. I have started my spring cleaning.

    The next person ejoys watching aout the Pope in the US.

    Have a great day. 70's here today!!

  • jmj532
    jmj532 Member Posts: 12

    False......I usually do but not now.

    The next person is watching a recorded tv show.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - I'm an NPR listener in the mornings..

    gsg - keeping my fingers crossed you get your results TODAY and they are good ones!

    TC - Even putting in a new sofa pillow can trigger the total remodeling of a room...a new floor - gosh that's REALLY a huge reason to redo the entire room...which leads to the next one......

    The next person will be baking something yummy today

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    True... maybe... I think I'll make those cheerios muffins cause they are so yummy!!

    The next person wishes I would shut up about my nipple being on my leg, already!!!

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    Lung X-ray = NORMAL!!!!  Man..I can breathe again...literally.  Thanks to all who wished me well.  Only you girls know the true anxiety of the "wait."

    Misshapen:  LOL@C-SPAN star, and you can relax, it's a proven fact that C-SPAN is the only thing known to man that is impossible to get addicted to.

    Guggerty:  I've always enjoyed politics too.  It's a great place to work.  If you're ever in D.C. let me know, and I'll give you a tour of the Capitol. 

    False!!!!  It makes me LOL and for some reason reminds me of when my left fallopian tube went missing....the thread I started about it is also missing.

    The next person has as much trouble as I do keeping track of who says stuff to you on here and then you  realize a day or so later, you never responded and end up feeling like a schmuck. 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    gsg:  Your left fallopian tube went missing?? WTF??  Oh, that is TOO FUNNY!  I missed that one! 

    TRUE, I do that ALL the time!  but, I really DO think about every single one of ya'll, every day!!

    The next person will go outside today and enjoy the warmer weather.

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    Harley:  Yep, and I started a thread about it.  I still have my original post from that thread, but the thread was wiped out, which was a real shame because some of the girls' posts were absolutely HYSTERICAL!  Here's the first post:

    my surgeon informed me last Monday that my left fallopian tube was completely missing and asked me if I knew where it was. This was news to me. I haven't seen it in years and have no idea where I could have possibly left it. I'm hoping it didn't drop out while shopping sometime because then it's gone for good. If any of you run across it in your travels or while cleaning, please gently wrap it in a clean, white cloth and forward it to the hospital, as they would like to examine it.

    Following is an age progression photograph to give you an idea of what it may look like today.  I am offering a $25 reward for any information leading to its safe return.

    Thanking you in advance-

    True, I'm going to go for a walk right now.

    The next person is running late today.  (I am, but I'm going for a walk anyway)

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    gsg ~  WHOOO HOOO ! Congrats on your clean x-ray...go celebrate!!!  ( I think it was Flax build up myself ! LOL )Tongue out

    LOL..on the "tube" least you haven't lost your sense of humor.

    True:  Gotta run!  Too much BC time not enough clean time!Undecided

    The next person is happy for gsg !!!Smile

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    wow gsg

    next person has a fear of heights

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    gsg... Happy Soooooo happy for this news!   Harley, your next.

    Okay, too busy looking for smileys to remember who said what, so forgive me and here's a great big...

     Big Hug

    True, to fear of heights, as I am terrified to fly and we are headed to Hawaii the end of June!

    The next person enjoys soothing bubble baths, at least once in a while.  (Light the candles, sit back, relax and Calgon...take me away...hopefully to Hawaii so I don't have to fly:)

  • Pepper_B
    Pepper_B Member Posts: 173

    DOING THE HAPPY DANCE GSG....YEEHAW!!!!! my bubbles

    the next person is getting a pedicure this weekend

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    TRUE ~~ YES TODAY ! Yay!...oh, false on the weekend

    The next person is going to have a fabulous weekend!

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    true i pray so

    next person is a optimist