The Next Person Game
The next person has been to Grauman's Chinese Theater.
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The next person finished 36 radiation treatments today !!!!!
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false, but I'm impressed with the person who finished 36 radiation treatments today!
The next person is thinking of their next vacation.
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The next person has seen a movie in the theater in the past week
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(congrats Rain!)
The next person rented a movie this past week.
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(WooHoo!!! Rain)
The next person watched Idol last night
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(Thanks ladies )
The next person is staying in her jammies to celebrate NOT having to go somehwere, at least for an hour.
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False, but!
The next person is having a beautiful sunny day
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True, it is a gorgeous day here. I suppose I should get dresed to go out and enjoy it
The next person needs a walking buddy today.
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False, we're still in the tundra.
The next person is trying to figure out if she will be able to leave for a cruise the day after her last rads!
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False but sounds like fun. Congrats Rain!
The next person had a job interveiw today
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false but good luck mnmom!
The next person is wearing slippers.
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Congratulations to Rain! Good luck to mnmom! Go on the cruise Adey!
The next person has a very bad pet (I do....he peed on my bed when I was at work today!!!!)
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False - he is weird, but not bad
The next person enjoyed beautiful sunshine today.
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True...indeed it was a beautiful day..
The next person wishes someone would fix breakfast and serve them in bed this morning (I do)
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False (strange, I know)
The next person has errands to run today
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The next person is planning to exercise today.
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False I never plan it it just happens...LOL I have kids..
& Thanks everyone will know by mid/end of next week.
The next person made a run to school cause someone forgot their homework.
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The next person's car gets good gas mileage. (My Kia-pet is getting nearly 35 MPG!)
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The next person is going to a Bon Jovi concert tomorrow night!
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false but have fun!
The next person is boxing up paperback books to donate for a book sale.
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true -- sort of. I boxed up a bunch of stuff this week including some books to take to the Salvation Army.
The next person is having their house cleaned today.
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true but it's me who's doing it :-)
The next person thinks this is a sure sign of Spring - spring cleaning!
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false.....don't want to get my hopes up yet!
the next person walked outside today
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True, although only in my yard.
The next person is up past her bedtime
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oh wow - i am up past bedtime!! saw black swan earlier, and it still has me jazzzed!
the next person wishes she had made that purchase when she had the chance
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Now mostly if I want something, I buy it! (unless it is a yacht or something)
the next person needs to get serious about the income tax preparation
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The next person is seeing signs of spring!
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The next person is thinking of eating chocolate.
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false :-)
The next person is still wondering what to cook for supper tonight.