The Next Person Game
false, maybe tomorrow - eating out
The next person exercises every day.
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The next person has a gym membership
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not really...well, at a yoga studio..i guess that counts?
the next person is getting up super early to watch Will and Kate tie the knot
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false (elmcity - another week/ten days of no-yo, right?)
The next person is more than a year out from BC surgery.
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True (4 and a half)
The next person thinks about bc almost everyday.
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true - breasts are gone and I know this every day, hair is still growing in from chemo and I know that every day, and I log onto BCO everyday, but I see myself as a BC patient less & less as time goes by.
The next person has short hair.
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finally down to shoulders ...growing it out to donate then it will be short...too much work LOL
The next person had long hair when they got BC...I did
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true in that it's shorter than I wore it before bc. I like it shorter.
The next person has/had chemo curls.
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oops, answered late.
My hair was shoulder length.
The next person has/had chemo curls.
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true - more like chemo waves than curls though
(mnmom my hair was long and I donated it to Locks of Love before starting chemo)
The next person needs to get the oil changed in her car soon.
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me too & will again Badger ♥
The next person has a new med they are apprehensive about
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False for now - when I switched from Tamox to Arim I was apprehensive (what med are you starting?)
The next person was apprehensive everytime she has a new chemo, med, etc.
0 - funny
The next person belongs to a gym, but doesn't go
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true ..endless side effects
from tamox to arimadex
The next person has lost weight this month
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oops... cross-posted... false to gym membership, true to weight loss
(I had let my hair to go gray naturally, so was a little worried about the poor kid who got the wig made from my hair LOL. Gonna keep it short though, I like it.)
The next person once had a pink streak in her hair from a BC fundraiser.
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duckyb1 false back to Badgers pink streak in hair question
0 - highlights count
The next person is going to put her foot through the TV if she hears one more thing about this damn Royal Wedding.........ask me if I care.
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False to having a pink streak
The next person has watched "127 Hours."
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LOL! false to both (Ducky I'm not watching the wedding either and can't abide the hype)
The next person needs to go to bed! Good night everyone.
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Me too, Nite....
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the next person eats healthy foods
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True, albeit with an equal amount of unhealthy foods
The next person received their Race for the Cure t-shirt and registration packet in the mail today!
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the next person has the words 'snow flurries' in her weekend forecast
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Definitely false! You poor thing.
The next person has put away her sweaters and winter pants.
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false and they will be needed again
the next person is tired of this weird weather
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true, it is really quite frightening.....
the next person thinks the hats worn by the Royal Wedding guests were pretty odd looking
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true and I only saw a couple on the news
the next person is hoping she can talk hubby into dinner out tonight
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true... did it!
The next person will go to bed early tonight to make up for getting up early this AM
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probably not, but....
the next person may very well fall asleep in the recliner while watching a movie
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Ruth....are you looking thru my window~!
True...I am guilty of falling asleep watching anything on tv.
The next person wakes up way too early and cannot fall back asleep.