The Next Person Game
The next person has been to the Natural History Museum
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The next person has been to the Air and Space Museum.
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The next person has been to Martha's Vinyard.
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The next person went swimming today. I did. My pool felt great!
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The next person toured the Capitol
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The next person saw the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
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The next person has been to Arlington National Cemetery
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The next person has been to Monticello
0 - long as it is just as big and powerful as my F-150
The next person loves visitng the beach...
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True...high school field trip.
The next person loves to visit the beach.
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True and False. The beaches around here are just little lake beaches. No big thrill. But a beach by an ocean is awesome!!!
The next person likes to rent movies on the weekend.
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not so much because if I sit down, I fall asleep!
the next person has a movie in mind that they really want to see (if so, what?)
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True, looking forward to all the "kid" movies coming out this summer
The next person does not buy movie popcorn eve though they love popcorn.
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usually I buy Rasinettes at the movie and steal some of DH's popcorn
it a person does order popcorn at the movies, they order it with butter
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False, too greasy.
The next person likes to sit in the back of the theatre.
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false....midway down
the next person likes to sit by the window on an airplane
0 - it when landing is near and you can look down on a city....
The next person has leapt across the pond more than once!
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The next person has visited the Oregon coast...
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The next person has skinny dipped
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True.....many many years ago
The next person doesn't know where their cat is
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Downstairs chasing a moth
The next person has a dog
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True! The 2 most gorgeous, funny, and brilliant girls!
The next person feels the stronger smelling cheeses always taste the best
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true but I've never gotten the nerve to try Limburger
The next person has tried Limburger cheese. (how was it?)
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True....but then I prefer sharp tasting cheeses to the mellow ones
The next person has ridden the trains in Washington DC (we stayed in Alexandria across from King's Crossing station and took the train in daily to sightsee)
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The next person has taken a bus trip once in their life.
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true, I took Greyhound a lot when I was in college with no car
The next person has owned fewer than ten cars, and can list them in order.
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False...and can barely remember what's parked in the garage!
The next person has been RVing (I have not, but sounds like fun)
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the next person winters in a special place
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welll, my house is pretty special LOL!
The next person has a summer home.
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the next person used to hitch hike in her (stupid) youth