The Next Person Game
True all that laundry.... yikes!
The next person has had a great start to the work week.
(hbcheryl may I ask where you grew up?)
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pretty good
the next person is worried about a friend
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False....I'm a laundry-holic when I get home.
Your next vacation will be tropical, European, Safari, Far East or in the states?0 -
False. I wish !!!
The next person has already started Xmas shopping0 -
A little, yes.
The next person has a lot of bills to pay in November, prop taxes, insurance, etc.0 -
Yes, 2 rates, 2 water, car insurance.
The next person has a red car.0 -
no, boring silver-grey
The next person sometimes drives too fast
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Rarely, if anything I'm a stickler for driving the speed limit..sure pi$$ off a lot of fast drivers who get stuck behind me!
The next person has just found something that has been lost for a long time
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False - but I love it when I do find something that has been lost!
The next person still has some Halloween candy in her house.
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Nope, we don't do halloween but if we did the day after leftovers would go to the 'critters' at work.
the next person is hosting Thanksgiving for a large group.
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true about hosting...not sure how large of a group yet
the next person has a great dressing recipe
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My dad makes the best dressing.
The next person thinks Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the season
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Definitely true! It's all about the food
Started your holiday food shopping or wait till the last minute?0 -
Oh, most of it could wait but you reminded me that I must order the meat from the butcher. I did, however, get pumpkins so I can make pumpkin pie!
The next person prefers a goose or duck for Christmas dinner.
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No, traditional turkey
The next person has a funny duck or goose story.
I do! When my mother, a widow with children remarried, the new "man in the house" asked for duck for Thanksgiving. My mom didn't.t know how to cook it and it was awful. Of course, we all blamed our new step father. He took it well and it became the family joke to suggest duck for holiday meals. I'm sure it is delicious if prepared right.0 -
Once upon a time, I lived out in the country and my neighbors had geese. From time to time, the big male would stand in the middle of the road and hiss at my car with his wings outstretched as if he was going to attack. Such bravado!
The next person makes cranberry sauce from scratch (versus buying the canned stuff).
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Both, homemade cranberry chutney and gelatinous blob from can.
The next person makes her own pie crusts.0 -
the next person has to make or buy a cherry pie along with the pumpkin so her DH will be happy
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fortunately not...DH doesn't like pie much....he'll do well to eat one slice of pumpkin pie.
The next person only does a traditional turkey dinner (with the works) for Thanksgiving
(one year we were invited to several homes for Christmas-type party dinners - both times there was the full Thanksgiving meal...I was pretty sick of it for a long time)
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True, turkey and all the trimmings.
The next person spends more than 2 hours a day on the computer (not including work)
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most days, true
the next person thinks she should spend less time on the computer!
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Yes!!!!! Then maybe I can get my exercise in.
The next person will start a new, healthy, routine next week
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yes, I need too!
The next person misses Christmas with small children all excited about Santa
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the next person has made a gingerbread house before
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a long time ago.
The next person takes down their tree the day after Christmas
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Nope but I love to eat them. (Oops, too late)
Nope, leave it up at least until New Years Day.
The next person will tell me to get off this computer and get my exercise in.
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True.....get off the computer and get your exercise in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the next person is trying not to snack in the evening (I have lasted one evening so far ).
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Yes, no snack - I was good. Now going up to exercise (thanks ruth!)
sorry, edited to add another 'Oops' because I did have a glass of wine.
The next person has lots of plans this weekend.
(night all)
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Not so much,
the next person will need to rake leaves AGAIN this weekend
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nope, I live in SoCal.
The next person loves having four distinct season