The Next Person Game
the next person has to make one more grocery run
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Probably tomorrow.
The next person has a new recipes they are going to try for Thurs?0 -
I hope I made my last one earlier this evening!
The next person hopes their turkey is going to be thawed by Thursday morning.0 -
I hope so I took it out the freezer today.
The next person can't have Thanksgiving dinner with out a piece of yummy pumpkin pie at the end
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True! My turkey has been in the fridge since yesterday but nothing is happening. May have to resort to the water bath.
The next person is having a mix of friends and family for Thanksgiving.0 -
True:)-well going to my sis house where family will be:)
The next person has to find room in there fridge for all the yummy dishes they're making?0 -
false all I need room for is the leftovers I'll be bringing home from my friends house - and the fridge is my garage is being used by my neighbor for the stuff she can't get in hers.
The next is going shopping on "black friday"
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NO!!! No desire to be trampled, thank you.
The next person has been involved in some type of altercation on a Black Friday in years past
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Nope... I did it once and never again!
The next person has to work on black friday
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Have not gone back to work yet !!
The next person likes there coffee first thing in the morning0 -
TRUE! My husband pours me a cup first thing.
The next person likes to watch 'court tv' shows.
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Used to. Haven't watched them for a bit. But they are good. I may watch some soon:)
The next person is sick of hearing about Penn State?0 -
The next person likes to paint...
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Used to; got over it.
The next person likes company but is thrilled when it's all over and the mess can be cleaned up.
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true....mine is showing up any minute.....and a day early!
the next person does not like suprises!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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Depends on the surprise. If it's good I'm all game:)
The next person is ready to party & can't wait for the fun to begin?
Happy Thanksgiving!0 -
Absolutely TallM
The next person enjoys Thanksgiving the most of all the holidays!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Defintely one of the top holidays:). Yummy! My belly is happy & full.
The next person thinks maybe they ate a bit much but it was worth it?0 -
Yes, I ate way too much but T-day only comes once a year, thank goodness.
The next person did some Black Friday shopping today (and got some nice deals)
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I usually do but Chemo has kicked my but. So I'm living vicariously through my Fam & having them show me everything they get & tell me all about it. It sounds like this year was a bit crazier than usual.
The next person found some great deals & do share some of your favorites:)0 -
Did not shop myself but my husband found a deal on an ipad and other 'tech happy' things. I did however get some new boots and cookware last week during a pre-Thanksgiving Macy's sale
The next person loves egg-nog!
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I do:) With some nutmeg on top:)
The next person has fun plans for the day? Do share:)0 -
I worked today.....and tonight is quiet - company has all left and I am looking forward to a peaceful evening.
My fun plans for Sunday include cards and dinner with friends....and watching the Bears!
The next person has a colonoscopy coming up next week
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Nope, had one last year (all clear YAY!)
The next person did not shop Black Friday but will do Cyber-Monday.
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did not shop Friday.....might venture out for awhile tomorrow afternoon as I notice the sales go through Sunday
The next person does not like shopping in a big crowd, even for bargains.
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yes I don't enjoy it. I wish I could get my act together and have my shopping done before Thanksgiving.
The next person got some really great deals this weekend...
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N/A - didn't do any shopping this weekend.
The next person usually sends cheese & sausage boxes to out of town relatives.
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No, but I do send citrus
The next person likes a cup of tea in the afternoon.
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Not a tea girl.
The next person intends to do most of their Christmas shopping online instead of fighting crowds. (I do. Still working but fatigue leaves me with no energy for shopping.)
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Partially true - I do about half and half
The next person bought a Christmas gift today.