The Next Person Game



  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    False..he's the one teaching the class, so he better be paying attention!  (Give him some yard or housework to do, while you relax)

    The next person will eat an apple today.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899

    true-already did as a matter of fact. 

    Debkay-when you come up with a solution, let me know. 

    The next person has a prescription to get refilled.  I know I do.


  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False, just filled it the other day.

    The next person has mailed her Mother's day cards.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, will take it in person

    the next person is a purse person instead of a shoe person

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    I love M&M's (plain only) - I have a crystal jar filled with them all the time.  Actually, it seems I love anything that contains chocolate - don't know why but the chocolate actually does make me feel better. Chocolates 

    Thanks for the hair dances - let's hope they work......I gotta say with the warmer weather it isn't so bad riding in the car topless (head only) with the windows down and the wind cooling the pate. 

    False - haven't mailed the Mother's day cards yet but I'll have them in the mailbox tomorrow morning - thanks for the reminder.

    The next person is watching Masterpiece Theater's new program The Cranfords.....great little series.

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310


    next person loves there husbands cooking

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, he is a good cook and make a meal when i think there is nothing to cook

    the next person loves to have just a salad sometimes for supper

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126 turn... I'm way behind here, so I'm just reading the threads and only now posting, so here goes...

    no, I didn't get to celebrate Cinco de Maya, because my MIL wanted to make us dinner, and we had steaks on the grill... Frown

    takingcare, yes, I need to go grocery shopping, and I am still putting it off, even though I went today, just to get the ingredients for dinner tonight (shrimp scampi!) and Thursday's dinner, too... 

    gsg, no, I didn't eat an apple today, but I should go and buy some...see above, about the grocery shopping I STILL need to do... I guess I need to post on your 'can't get my act together thread, about how I detest grocery shopping!

    yes, I need to get a re-fill on one of my Rxs, but I am putting it off, since it's thyroid medication, and I might need a dose change...  I hate it when I get a 90 day supply, and then I can't use them...

    No, I haven't bought the Mother's Day cards yet... I will deliver it in person, though.

    yes, I am a purse person, not a shoe person.  I know someone who has to match her purse and shoes to her outfit, though.

    yes, I LOVE my dh's cooking!  He does MOST of the cooking.  Tonight, we had shrimp scampi, and it was delicious!

    false, I don't really like salad, unless I eat it 'undressed', since I hate salad dressing.

    The next person will eat one meal out tomorrow... I will, dh & I are going to have lunch at the Giggling Mackerel, because I got a gift card for my birthday.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    probably false on eating out tomorrow

    the next person has thought of writing a book

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I love to write!

    The next person has visited Italy.

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    True, Milan (Meelano)...magnifico!  (Is that Spanish or Italian?  It's too early, so close enough)

    The next person always makes their bed in the morning.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    True - I always make the bed in the morning and if dh gets up to go potty I've been known to make it while he's gone (hey, how do I know if he's going back to bed or not).  If I'm sleeping alone (hot flashes makes for a bad bed partner) my bed is made 2 seconds after my feet hit the floor. 

    I have been to Italy also and would love to go back!

    Miss S - love the new avatar! 

    The next person was surprised that Hillary didn't take IN - I am, I thought for sure she was an easy winner here.

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True - I think it was predicted that she'd win your state by a landslide...instead she only eeeked by.

    MissS went from a happy mouth, to a flowerchild, and has now emerged as a beeeautiiiiful fairy!

    I'll bet she can fly to Italy too!  Geeze so many of you have been abroad.  It's taken me 46 years just to get to Hawaii....and even that isn't until next month! lol

    Harley, Have a marvelous lunch!  If I had a restaurant near me named the Giggling Mackerel, I'd never make it to the grocery store!

    I do, however, always make the bed in the morning. Too funny Guggerty about DH.  I think I've tried making ours at times with mine still in it! lol

    The next follows Pro Football.  Although a true girlie, girlie by definition...I am having major football withdrawls!

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False...I am a baseball fan.

    speaking of sports...

    The next person is watching the NBA playoffs.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    so false, can't stand to watch sports on tv, only in person and only if someone i know is playing

    the next person loves to try new recipes

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True! True! True!  I'm currently looking for recipes to try for a retro-themed dinner.  It's fun trying new...and not so new things! 

    The next person cooks everything from scratch (oh, so not true for me)

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    That is so true, most of the time I do everything from scratch

    the next person loves poetry

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, have never been into poetry but my mom is, she has been published a few time and she is good

    the next person likes to take a nap on rainy days

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    takingcare, thanks for thinking of me, the lunch was wonderful!  When dh & I go there, he orders a Red Stripe beer, and I order a sweet tea.  When he gets halfway done his beer, I grab it and drink the rest, and he orders another beer...  that is our new tradition.  I also have the lunch special, with shrimp and french fries.

    No, I don't make EVERYTHING from scratch. 

    True, I like to nap on rainy days.

    The next person colors their hair.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, on hair coloring.  I did from the age of 15 to 52 but when the after chemo hair came in already frosted i decided that was it all these years i frosted it and now God has done it for me.

    The next person has straight hair and loves it.

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    true, use to before b/c

    next person likes to be massage (who does'nt)

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    This is weird, I know - but I do not like massage.  I know it's healthy and relaxing but the most I can take is a good neck rub - 10 mins and please let me out of there.  Dh on the other hand can lay there for hours on end .

    Since I started radiation I not only nap on rainy days, I nap on sunny days, snowy days, warm days - doesn't matter.  Before that I NEVER napped. 

    I colored my hair before I lost it and I'm sure I'll be coloring it when it starts growing in - and please let it be straight. 

    The next person is a Medium fan - I am

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    I don't even know what medium fan is so i guess false

    the next person owns a canoe

  • gg44
    gg44 Member Posts: 54


    the next person watches wife swap

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    spar2, you are SO lucky!  My hair came in WHITE on top, and around the back of my head, it is BLACK!!  So, I colored it, so I won't look like some kind of freak! 

    False, I now have chemo curl!  and I LOVE it!  But, I know it won't last, so I'm just enjoying it, while I can!

    ...massages, I could take em or leave em, but my dh HATES them!  He thinks they feel 'wrong', even when they cut his hair, and give him a neck rub....EEEWW!  He says!

    No, I have never seen Medium...

    False on the canoe.   I seem to be a very boring person!!

    The next person likes watching the basketball...NBA Playoffs.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    I'm not a medium fan, I'm an extra large one. Heh!

    NBA - not so much.

    Thanks for liking my fairy.... she can fly and so can I, but I use a broom.

    I like to watch Wife Swap.... very good show usually!

    Cook everything by scratch? Ummm... I'm supposed to because of sodium issues... do I? No.

    Make my bed? Only when I change the sheets!  LOL

    Okay, now that I've confessed how terrible I am....

    The next person has told her dh a lie!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, don't like watching any sports

    the next person was glad Jason went home on American Idol tonight

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011

    False...have never watched that show...don't have time.

    The next person would like to parachute out of an airplane someday.

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    That is a false for sure!  I'm having a hard enough time getting on a 5-hour flight to Hawaii for vacation. But if you can, more power to ya! 

    True on Jason going home, it is his time to go.  I've not yet seen it as we Tivo everything, but thanks for the update. lol

    What is this world coming to?  Harley claims she's boring and MissS is a terrible fairy who fly's around without her broom (she secretly hides it from DH...that's the little lie she's referring to, i'll bet).  Not to mention, Guggerty who is getting advise from Mediums who tell her I'm a naughty rascal of a kit-kat. lol  That's it, the worlds gone to heck in a handbasket!

    True on Wife Swap, and I'm logging off to watch right now. 

    The next person has raised teenagers! Surprised

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    True--much to my amazement, I have lived through the teenage antics of two boys!!!  No wonder I have white hair coming in!!!!

    Actually, I'm pretty pleased with both of them.  One is out of college already and the other is about to be a Senior in college.  

    Guggerty is consulting mediums, and TC, you've been naughty.--I miss a couple of days on the board and everything goes crazy!!!  MissS is going to have to hit me over the head with her fairy wand and get me on here more often!  (Harley, you could never be boring!!!!)

    The next person drives a 10-year old car!
