The Next Person Game
False, my car is fresh out of the shop and, False, I couldn't do cartwheels in high school and I sure can't do them now.
The next person practices yoga.
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FALSE----I tried to do one a couple of years ago, for my sons, and pulled all of my inner thigh muscles...couldn't walk for days..LOL so that would be a definate NO Twink we posted at the same time---False on the Yoga...
The next person has entered Talent contest recently...
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False, I wish I had a talent!
The next person loves their mother-in-law.
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True----She's turned into a crazy little bird since my father-in-laws passing last Sept. but she's "OUR" crazy bird so we have to love her...It's tough sometimes....Still strong and even more opionated than usual. LOL
The next person scuba dives....
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False, never tried it.
The next person has love letters from a previous heart-throb stored somewhere in her house.
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True....from my first love (20 yrs ago)
The next person use to be the class clown in high school?
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True - always sings along with radio
The next person has can touch their nose with their tongue?
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False - I was not the class clown but the class "brown nose" - honor student who couldn't remember her locker combination
so I carried all my books to every class (and this was loooooong before back packs) - hey, no wonder I have such great pecs.
And I can touch my nose with me tongue IF I mash my nose down a little.
The next person was Prom Queen
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Oh so false....I graduated early at 16 and went straight into the Academy.
The next person is having a good day
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False, not a good day (housecleaning)
The next person will order out for dinner tonight.
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TRUE!! We are going to get chinese tonight! I ALSO have been housecleaning today! We are having visitors from out of town tomorrow, so I had to clean...
The next person has a secret admirer!
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Ture - Johnny Depp is filming a John Dilinger movie in the next town - so when he heard I lived so close he sent a secret message......
Actually False
The next person has a secret crush on someone
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False, no secret crushes here
The next person had her eyebrows waxed in the last few days.
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False, it hasn't been that long since I had no eyebrows, so I'm letting them grow out.
The next person likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
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false, I used to eat them, but not anymore.
The next person likes pasta.
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True, I do, especially angel hair with olive oil, garlic, fresh tomatoes... sheesh, I'm hungry.
The next person has a child in college.
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True--Very true, I have 2 in college right now....
The next person rides a bike regularly
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False, but I'm starting soon.
The next person loves to do yard work.
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FALSE - If something can't grow without being tended to then it's up to the Mother Nature to water it.
The next person has a husband with a receding hairline
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True, and a bald spot getting bigger up in the middle...yee gads...he hates it!!!
The next person has a bird (I have a parrot--a Conure)
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False, but I used to have a cockatiel.
The next person knows how to milk a cow.
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False no bird or any other pets right now
The next person has planned a vacation for this summer
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False, I don't know how to milk a cow and, False, I haven't planned this year's vacation yet.
The next person enjoys writing poetry.
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False, treatment plans got in the way.
The next person loves doritos (cool ranch).
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False, I don't enjoy writing poetry. All of mine start with "There once was a man from Nantucket."
True, I love ranch, regular, bring em on...and smother them in cheese, please.
The next person has a hard time throwing out old clothes.
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True - I've got a closet full of clothes from the eighties til now. Can't fit in all of them, but I will someday. Hopefully the styles will come back around by then too.
The next person gained weight during chemo.
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False, I lost 12 pounds (since gained most of it back though).
The next person had a romantic tryst in a tropical setting.
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Yep, early on in my marriage, any time, any place, anywhere...
Redwoods Ca, under a tilted up boat on the beach. Hiking through the woods, under a water fall.......
The next person can ball room dance?
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i love to sing at home though
the next person is reading a good book?
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True, Christina Falls.... an excellent quirky mystery.
The next person is watching Moment of Truth (my daughter is subjecting me to TV)