The Next Person Game
the next person loves to bake ( I do cookies cakes bars mmmmm all the nono's)LOL
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I like to bake but I'm not much good at it
the next person likes to go for long walks
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the next person can't sleep
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no, could if i would - but is that why we are always following one another around the games jap62? LOL
the next person has a blue room in their home
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yes -- I have three boys and all their bedrooms are various shades of blue.
The next person actually uses their living room.
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the next person has a fireplace
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True but we seldom use it. Thinking about converting it to gas logs instead of a wood-burning fireplace.
The next person has a refrigerator with the freezer on the bottom.
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the next person will be out of town for a couple days (I will, try not to have too much fun on the humor threads without me )
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false Have fun ruth
the next person like camping
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used to, now more of a hotel gal
thanks jap62, DH & I are to Arizona for a mini vacation
the next person is a terrible packer (I am!)
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yes I guess I am, either too much or to little in my bag
the next person is bilingual
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false....but I wish I were.
(Ruth: I HATE packing - it's enough to make me not go on vacation. Have a wonderful time - Good Vibrations)
the next person changes purses to match outfits
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just checking in for my last fix....
the next person always orders popcorn at the movies
Shutting down now! Bye!
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well my husband does and he's an expert packer
the next person is a worrier
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Nope. Whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen whether I worry or not so why bother! (worry takes work)
The next person has bamboo window treatments.
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no, I agree patoo
the next person loves ice cream
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False....I like it but don't love it - it's not something I would buy or order but if at someone's house and they served it for dessert, I do eat it - actually what DON'T I eat?????
The next person is working today
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the next person will come over and wash my car
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nope but I'll give you directions to the local car wash!
The next person has a smartphone
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yes but it's new and I think I'm pretty smart that I can even turn it on, as for all the other features well I'm not so smart
the next person has to do laundry
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nope -- pretty much caught up for a day or two
The next person likes to snack on crunchy foods
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yep, just finshed the chips
the next person will go out to dinner tonight
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The next person has a wonderful talent (what?)
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nope, but enjoys immensely the talents of others (especially musical ones)
The next person is reading a good book
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The next person likes to step outside in her pjs in the cold night air after her shower to cool off.
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False, but it sounds refreshing...
The next person is very excited about the season premier of Bethenney Ever After this week!!
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False----don't know that show---but should I check it out?
The next person loves riding on roller coasters
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TRUE - and I love getting the front row! I only have 1 friend left who can still ride them -
The next person has recently found something that had been misplaced (whew)
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True...but only because I misplace my keys every day and have to find them every morning!
The next person is teaching a teenager how to drive this year.
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false (but good luck if you are!)
The next person's driver's license is up for renewal this year.