The Next Person Game
true to quite a few antibiotics....false to pollen, food etc.
the next person always gets popcorn at the movies
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Yep! Even though I tell myself ahead of time that I won't, there's just something about being in the movies that says "popcorn". Sort of like breaking the law if you don't.
The next person has lovely, pricey, artwork around the house (I don't!)
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False... some awesome old pictures passed down by my parents & aunt, priceless to me but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be worth money to anyone else.
the next person lives in a house with more than one level
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True. Townhouse with 3 levels. Basement level has the washer and dryer, main level is the living, kitchen, dining; top is the bedroom, bathroom. I spend a lot of time on the stairs!
The next person owns a bread-maker,
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no, but it would be nice....SEs from femara make the joints in my hands hurt so much that it is painful to mix or knead with my hands. Love the smell of bread baking in the house!
The next person has a treasured dish or utensil from her Grandmother or Mother's kitchen.
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I have some neat dishes from the family, but the one I love the most is the cast iron skillet my mom gave me (she wouldn't give me hers but found another one for me)
the next person is typing this from work
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False....but I am in my home office and I do have stuff to print for some appointments I guess in a way it could be true.
The next person has things to do but will try to squeeze in a little nap this afternooon
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false. Hard to nap at work. Sure would like to though.
The next person is trying to sell their house.
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No, staying put for a while.
The next person lives near an elementary school.
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not too close.
The next person works at a school.
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the next person works at a middle school
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The next person has their own vegetable garden.
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Nope. The next person has college aged kids home for spring break. (I do. My two oldest boys are home this week.)
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the next person has grandchildren
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the next person looks good in orange
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I have no idea, I don't own anything orange nor do I think I've ever been attracted enough to an orange top to even try one on!
Thge next person remembers (and owned) stretch pants (not spandex pants but the kind that had a loop on the bottom that you slipped under your foot)
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I remember them and owned them!
The next person ate lunch and is still hungry.
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false....ate and am full.
the next person feels naked without earrings
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the next person wears more than one ring
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false don't wear any
the next person like to buy things on QVC or HSN
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false, but I used to but decided it was not worth the money
The next person has a doctor appointment tomorrow but doesn't know what time.....
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no - no appointmenst for me tomorrow.
The next person cooked lamb for dinner this week
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false (well, not yet this week - planning rack of lamb for Friday evening...
The next person prefers salad to cooked vegetables
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True...if somebody else prepares it! I prefer to cook veggies rather than make myself a salad.
The next person would rather cook for friends than meet them at a restaurant?
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false - i love to cook, but lately am mostly tired
the next person likes ethnic food
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So true.
The next person chews a lot of gum
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Well.....I chew gum in the evening to try and stave off the sweet tooth that attacks so voaraciously after dinner
The next person has a corn on their toe that hurts, darnit!
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Corn, no. Bunion, yes!!!!
The next person is going away over the upcoming holiday.
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the next person will have company over the upcoming holiday
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the next person is having friends over this weekend